World Hopping Filler?

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After Ted got kidnapped, Theo, Ren and him decide to get a new ability that they'll neglect just like the others.

Theo: So are we just gonna get in, steal the eyes, do a little alchemy, then get out.

Ren: Change the order a bit and we're good to go.

Ted: Break!

They all vanish into the swirling blue mass, appearing over a village hidden in the leaves.

Ren: Remember! Stay hidden! Even if we don't have chakra he can still put us into a genjutsu!

Ted: Just grab a random eye from a random Uchiha and teleport us back.

Theo: Grab a couple just in case! Got it.

The three land in separate trees then begin jumping from tree to tree towards a settlement outside of the giant village they landed next to.

Two men were currently killing an entire clan, "Madara" Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha, slaughtering every man woman and child they came across.

The three, Ted, Theo and Ren, sneakily stole the eyes of 8 different Uchiha, to avoid getting the wrong blood type.

The three then disappeared in a swirling mass. A sharp sound almost being heard as they left.

Ren: Whew! That was close!

Theo: Yeah, we almost got put under a genjutsu.

Ted: Speak for yourselves, I got 72 years of pain just now.

Flashback to just now~

Ted looks back at Itachi right as he enters the portal, looking directly into his eyes and being put into the Tsukuyomi.

Ren: Wait, that means...

Theo: We got Chakra baby!

Ted: Let's just do the alchemy.

Ren drew an alchemy circle then put all eight eyes in the centre, putting his hand out for the final ingredient.

Ted then ripped his own right eye out, putting it in Ren's hand.

A flash of light and boom, a collection of eyes are now one.

Ted then placed the eye back into his socket.

Theo: I don't see a difference.

Ren: That's the point. It's supposed to look like his eye.

Ted: I feel so, powerful, I have the power of eight Uchiha in one singular eye.

Theo: We should wait for your body to get used to the chakra, then when it starts producing it on its own, let the carnage begin!

Ren: That was surprisingly smart of you.

Ted: That's Four different power types I've got inside me now, though three of which are now just one.

Theo: Meaning it's only a matter of time till Chakra is assimilated too.

Ren: Man, we've got mana, Aura, Inergy, and now chakra? How many are just gonna combine into the ultimate power?

Ted: Nah, we'll stop here. I'm fine with just these four.

Theo: Understandable, too many and you'd probably be overwhelmed.

Ted: Righto I would-

Twelve hours later.

Ted: So my body has started producing Chakra on its own.

Ren: Assimilate, Assimilate, Assimilate.

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