Chapter 19

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The one where secrets are revealed.

Class Z-1 is having its usual pre-homeroom banter. The boys are doing... whatever it is they do and the, like seven... holy shit... There's only like 8 reoccurring girl characters.

I should fix that.

Ezra: Okay, one question. Where were all of you when the city was getting attacked by several giant villains?

Jay: The boys were at Sebastian's. Don't know where most of the girls were.

Ezra: Interesting. Sebastian, what were you doing yesterday after school?

Sebastian: Uh, homework?

Ezra: One more try. What were you doing during the villain attack?

Ezra had already encased all the boy's legs in ice. They weren't getting away from this question.

Sebastian: We were... having a tournament.

Ezra: What was that?

Carson: We were having a tournament.

Carson snitched on the boys.

Ezra: Hm... Detention, all of the boys, except Carson.

The ice around the boy's legs vanishes.

Ezra: See you in a few hours.

A few hours later.

Ezra: Today, we aren't going to have a Hero Class, there won't be enough people.

Ref: Boys, with me.

All of the boys get up and follow Ref.

Fifteen minutes later.

The Destroyed Streets.

Ted: So wha-

Ref: Don't speak, just walk.

The group of fourteen walked through the destroyed streets.

As they walked they passed several red stains. Some were big, some were small.

Walking through it, there would be no way to recognise what it was.

Ref: While you... "heroes in training" were having fun, people died, heroes died, children died. Now you have to take responsibility for your actions. I'm confident if you were there, the casualties could have been severely limited. Now you will apologise to everyone who lost someone, or you will regret ever taking the Entrance Exam.

Ted, being Ted, retreated to his mind, falling into the hand of Ref Ultima who roughly and angrily pulled his unconscious face to his.

Theo, being Theo, had none of that.

The blue-eyed Brando stared angrily into the dark brown eyes of the strongest person in a 100-mile radius.

Theo: Yeah no, get your hand off me.

Ref: Or what?

Theo: Or I'll rip your face off and shove it down your throat.

Ref: Where did this Bravado come from? You finally accept that you're a villain or something.

Theo: Ted may not be a villain, but I sure am.

Johann: It's getting pretty hot.

Carson: You guys get going, I'll try to calm them down.

Theo's Blue and Yellow Fire started to slowly crawl up both his and Ref's bodies.

Ref: I've dealt with a Brando before, you're no different.

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