Chapter 10

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"You don't think that...Petra purposely caused you to get hurt?" Levi asked with a horrified expression.

"No...there's no way she would do that," Erwin said and put his hands on Levi's shoulders," would she seriously put herself in danger just to try and get back together with you? It's too reckless of an idea."

"I...I don't know..." Levi responded.

Erwin pulled Levi into a hug and gently rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to calm him down.

"It was probably just an accident, Levi. Someone ran the red light and hit me and the doctors can't really tell what exactly happened with the crash anyways. That's the police's job," Erwin explained," I'm sure we'll know for sure once we get the full report back from the police on the incident."

Levi hugged back and buried his head in the crook of Erwin's next. He was afraid of the idea that Petra could've purposely hurt Erwin but being with the blonde male and being within his arms was comforting and helped him calm down. The situation wasn't something he wanted to worry about just yet.

"You have a football game on Friday right? Will you be able to participate in the performance with your injuries?" Levi asked.

"If it were still on Friday then I certainly wouldn't be able to participate," Erwin said," but the game was postponed because the stadium where the game will be needed to undergo emergency repairs or something and there isn't another available venue at the moment. It's been postponed and will happening about a month from now."

"Ah I see. That's good to hear," Levi responded," now you'll have more time to heal so you can wow everyone with your skills."

Erwin smiled and rubbed Levi's head.

"I'm not that good Levi."

"Yes you are Erwin, your skills with the trumpet are really good. At the last game you had the entire stadium paying attention to the show because of your solo. The whole stadium was quiet, their eyes were on you, no one could look away."

Levi leaned up and kissed Erwin's cheek.

"You're amazing Erwin."

"Thank you Levi," Erwin said with a soft smile.

The two spent the rest of the lunch period together outside while they chatted. The bell eventually rang and they parted ways for their class. Erwin dropped Levi off at his classroom and left after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Levi rolled himself over to his desk and pulled out his phone to pass the time on social media. Once he pulled it out of his pocket, he noticed that he had revieved a message from an unknown number.


You're quite lucky that your precious Erwin survived that car accident aren't you?

Levi's eyes widened slightly and he looked around the room, thinking someone might be messing with him. Once he observed no one in the room was overly suspicious, he turned his attention back to his phone.


Who is this? What do you want?


That's not important is it?


How do you know what happened to Erwin? Who are you?


You were talking with him earlier during lunch right? You were talking quite loudly.

The Forest (Eruri Version)//Rewrite in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now