Chapter 3

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Levi suddenly collapsed onto the floor like had had two times before in his life. He began to cough violently and felt something dripping down his chin. He wiped his chin and saw an alarming amount of blood. Then there was a large, stabbing pain in his chest which made him collapse even further to the ground to where he was now laying on his stomach. He clutched his chest and cried out in pain. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable by the second and panic and the fear of dying began to set in.

Suddenly, Levi heard a voice shouting in the distance. It was very faint so he knew whoever was calling out was very far away from where he was and was unable to tell who's voice it was. He then slowly began to try to open his eyes...

Erwin shot straight up in his bed with sweat dripping down his face. The dream he'd just woken up from felt incredibly real, scarily real. And what's more, Levi was in the dream. He'd had the dream from Levi's perspective. Why was that happening? Was it some sort of weird warning from the future? Definitely not although he knew that's what Hange would say when he told them. It was more than likely just a normal nightmare so he sighed.

"Erwin! Start getting ready for school or you'll be late!" Came his dad's voice from the kitchen.

Erwin sighed again and laid back down on his bed. His eyes began to droop again as he felt the feeling of sleep start to overtake him once again. It was Monday so the start of another long week of going to school to learn boring nonsense. And to add to these thoughts, there was no football game this week so Erwin didn't even have that to look forward to.

Just as Erwin was about to let sleep take him over, his bedroom door burst open. Erwin sat straight up and looked over at his father who stood in the doorway with a slightly annoyed expression. Erwin sighed with annoyance and stood up from his bed.

"I'm getting ready now's fine..."

"Alright. I'm making you breakfast so hurry on down before it gets cold."


Erwin's dad left and went back downstairs. Erwin sighed and walked to the bathroom and started another shower. Like he did everyday while waiting for the water to warm up, he walked back into his bedroom and pulled together his outfit for the day before undressing and grabbing a towel. He walked back into the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

The calming feeling of the water made Erwin think back to the dream, no, the nightmare he'd had. He remembered the small details of Levi collapsing to the floor, coughing up blood, and clutching his chest in pain. Levi seemed to be horribly sick in the dream to the point where he was on the brink of death. Also it was weird because like he'd noticed earlier, during the dream, Erwin had been seeing things from Levi's point of view; feeling the pain and coughing up the blood himself.

"What was with that dream?" Erwin muttered.

Erwin finished showering after a few minutes and then walked back into his room. He dried off of his hair and then got dressed. Throughout this process, Erwin continued to think about the dream. He just couldn't get it off of his mind no matter how much he tried. It just felt so weirdly real. Eventually, Erwin just decided he'd think about it later and walked down stairs.

"You okay Erwin?" His dad asked," seems like something is on your mind."

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired," Erwin responded.

"I made you some oatmeal today. Did you want to add any fruit?"

"Some black and raspberries should be fine."

Erwin's father added a few black berries and raspberries to the bowl of oatmeal and then placed it in front of Erwin who then began to eat it.

"Are you sure nothing is bothering you? You're not usually this quiet in the morning," Erwin's father commented.

The Forest (Eruri Version)//Rewrite in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now