Chapter 7

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The scene around me changed from a void of blackness to a void of white. It felt like I was floating or flying in mid air but also like I was walking on solid ground. It was a confusing feeling but was also one that was weirdly calming.

I started moving forwards in a random direction. There was no way in this void to distinguish north from south or east from west. Everything looked the same no matter where I looked. There was only the white void surrounding me...


A faint sound reached my ears and I turned towards the direction where I thought the sound was coming from. But the sound was so muffled and quiet that I couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from or what the sound was


The sound, no, the voice was much louder this time and sounded much closer. I was able to hear that they were saying my name so I continued to run towards the voice.

After a while of running, something that wasn't part of the blank white void materialized in front of me. It seemed to be a person and they were lying on the floor. I grew worried for this person so I ran towards them. I ran and ran until I collided with something.

I held my hand out and felt some sort of barrier that was separating me from the person. But I couldn't see anything. There was an invisible wall in front of me and it was stopping me from progressing further.

"Future. Failure."

I heard a voice but this one was different from the one I had been hearing earlier. It was deeper and more distorted. There was an evil tone to it. My head whipped around, searching for the source of the voice. My eyes found a black mist that was starting to appear next to me. I jumped to my feet and began to back away as I was afraid of whatever this mist was.

The mist took the form of a human body and bolted towards me. I tried to run from it but I was too slow and the mist grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down to the ground. I was struggling to breath as the mist choked me. My vision became blurry and started to fade.

"You failed. You were too weak. You shouldn't have died."


Erwin's eyes shot open and he was nearly gasping for air. The dream was scarily realistic and he had truly felt like he had been choking. But now he found that he was perfectly fine and alive. Although, he didn't recognize where he was.

Erwin looked to his left and saw out of a window that overlooked the city. He could tell that whatever building he was in, he was on one of the higher floors.

Erwin then looked to his left and saw the rest of the room. He noticed the curtain, the IV drip, heart monitor, and many other details that then told him he was in the hospital. But he couldn't remember anything. What had happened to put him in the hospital?

Erwin's eyes then moved away from the IV drip and monitor and he noticed someone by his bedside. They seemed to be asleep with their head on Erwin's bed and face pointed at him. Even in the dim light the setting sun provided, Erwin couldn't recognize this person at first. But then he noticed the raven locks and wheelchair.

"Levi..." Erwin muttered quietly.

Since Levi's head was right next to his hand, Erwin gently began to stoke Levi's head. His raven locks were soft and smooth, no tangles to be found. Erwin observed Levi's sleeping face and noticed how he seemed so peaceful. There was no frown or creases on his face. Everything was relaxed.

The Forest (Eruri Version)//Rewrite in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now