Chapter 8

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The white void transitioned to one that was black again. The feeling of flying while still being on solid ground was still present. I moved around this vast space as I had been for quite a while. The passage of time was seemingly nonexistent so I had no idea how long I'd truly been there. But what I did know was that I was looking for something and that I had to find it quickly. There was the sound of a clock in the back of my mind, taunting me by saying that time was running out for me to find whatever it was that I was looking for.

Eventually, I heard a cry of pain from somewhere within the void. My head whipped around to face the general area where the cry had come from and my legs began to carry me in that direction. With the darkness of the surrounding void, I still had no clue if I was moving in the right direction. But it seemed that I was because I soon found something.

Something materialized in front of me. It seemed to be the body of a person and I wondered if it was the same body I had seen earlier in the void of white. Regardless of who it was, my humanity kicked in and I ran over to them, thankfully not being stopped by an invisible wall this time. I held their body in my arms and looked down at their face, but I wasn't prepared for who this was.


The body I'd found belonged to Levi. His eyelids were closed and there was a trail of blood dripping from the right side of his mouth. I'd seen this scene before. The scene where Levi was coughing and in a great deal of pain, the one where he was coughing up blood. Tears streamed down my face as I spoke in a panicked tone.

"Levi! Please wake up!"

My voice seemed to cause him to stir from his unconscious state and his eyelids barely fluttered open. The shine that was usually present in the beautiful grey-blue orbs was gone. A faint smile found its way onto Levi's face as tears continued to rush down the sides of my face.

" are you...crying?" He asked me with a weak voice.

"Levi please tell me that you're okay!" I shouted," please tell me that you're gonna b-be okay!"

"Erwin I...I'm fine...right now...but..."

Levi coughed violently and more blood came from his mouth. My eyes widened at this fit and my worries only grew. The smile that had been on Levi's face disappeared and he looked to the side.

"I-I don't know...about the future...anymore..." he muttered," I don't think I...can make it..."

My eyes widened at the words that fell from his mouth. What was he talking about? Was something that wrong with him? More tears filled my eyes as I asked myself these questions. I wanted to ignore the feeling creeping into my mind but I couldn't. I didn't want to face the fact that I could lose someone so important to me.

"D-don't cry Erwin...I'll be fine...I...promise..."

"We need to get you help Levi! You need help and you need it now!" I cried out," I can't imagine you leaving me...I need you with me...please don't go...I love you!"

Levi laughed quietly at my confession.

"Heh. I love you too..."

After those words, Levi's eyes closed again and his body disappeared into a white mist before dissipating into the darkness of the void.


Erwin sat up in bed quickly and winced in pain as his ribs protested from the sudden motion. Erwin was sweating quite a bit from the dream he'd just had. What was with these dreams and why was he having them so frequently now?

The Forest (Eruri Version)//Rewrite in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now