Chapter 2

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Erwin walked into the band room and then into the locker room. He pulled out his trumpet case and then walked outside to set it next to all of the other trumpet cases. Instrument sections set their instruments together so the crew loading the trailer would be able to do so in an orderly fashion. After Erwin put his instrument outside, he walked back inside the locker room. He had a separate drawstring bag specifically for marching band essentials such as sun glasses, his drill book, sunscreen, and other essential items. He grabbed this bag and then began to walk to the bathroom.

"Erwin you excited for this game?"

Erwin looked behind him before he entered the bathroom and saw Hange.

"Of course I am. Everyone in the school is excited for this game," Erwin responded.

"I only hope we win. Can you imagine performing our show in the stadium downtown? That's a band kid's dream come true!"

"That would be pretty cool although we have to win before we do that," Erwin said," you should go get dressed in your warm clothes now so you're ready to go at call time. You don't want to be late again."

"You're right. See you in a bit Erwin."

Hange walked off to get their things and Erwin turned around then walked into the bathroom. He walked into the largest stall and put on a long sleeved thermal shirt, a pair of thermal pants, wool socks, and then put his show shirt back on over the thermal one. Once Erwin was done, he washed his hands and then began to head back to the band room. He helped the logistics teams load the trailer for the instruments and the truck that held the percussion equipment to pass the time before call time at four thirty.


Levi sighed when he was finally inside of his home. He never really liked going to school and thought it was exhausting. Everyday he seemed to be constantly tired no matter how much sleep he got or how much tea and coffee he drank. Nothing seemed to give him a good amount of energy.

It's not something Levi was unused to however. He'd dealt with this his entire life and was never able to figure out a cause. He just sat back and accepted this for the longest time as him just constantly being tired, he chalked it up to some weird genetic thing.

As it turns out however, that's not what it was at all.

One day when Levi was in fifth grade, he suddenly collapsed on the playground during recess. His parents were called and they immediately rushed him to the hospital. Doctors were able to stabilize him but Levi was in the hospital for just over a week. They ended up figuring out that Levi had a mysterious illness that they were unable to fully diagnose. But they were able to treat it which allowed Levi to return to a mostly normal life. The doctors instructed his parents to keep a very close eye on him and to bring him immediately if they notice any sudden changes in his health.

Everything went smoothly for about eight years. Levi's condition was stable and was kept under wraps because of the close eye being kept on him. However, two weeks ago, his condition took another turn. Levi had been at a restaurant with his mother for lunch when he once again suddenly collapsed. His mother once again rushed him to the hospital and Levi was rushed to the ICU upon arrival. He was kept there for about a week while doctors tried to figure out what happened. They figured out that Levi's condition had suddenly worsened despite all of the medication and other work they were doing to keep his condition in check. It wasn't life threatening but adjustments would have to be made to Levi's lifestyle to keep him safe. If Levi stood up too fast or walked around for too long, he could pass out again which put him in danger of falling and injuring himself. Therefore the decision was made for Levi to ride in a wheelchair from that point on in public spaces. Levi was unhappy with this decision but knew that it was the best option for his safety.

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