Part 9

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"Aren't you supposed to be out there with your friend doing evil stuff" Jamila sassed?

"I'm here to do whatever is necessary for us to win," Isabella responded coolly.

"What a good girl," Emily mocked.

"Now give me whatever you have," Isabela threatened.

Isabella starts her disintegrating gun to make them feel like she had the high ground.

"Still not going to listen to you"

Isabella blasts the gun at her but Emily dodged it. Emily knocks the gun from Isabella's hand and kicks it over to Audenzia who shoots the gun at Isabella

Everyone stares at the spot where Isabella just got disintegrated

"Well we should get the chip in now"

Emily and Audenzia agree and Jamila puts the chip in the machine

All Potesta's stop fighting and drop their weapons at once out of nowhere. Akila looks at Fred worriedly, having a feeling like she knows what is going to happen next.

"Where is Isabella?" she questions Jamila sternly.

"Oh, she's dead, why" Jamila sassed.

Akila rolls her eyes at her wishing nothing more but to get rid of her at this point.

"Fred, I need you to get the thing I told you to make for emergencies" Akila whispers into his ear.

Fred looks up at her with a confused expression written over his face.

"The grand-" He starts.

Akila waves her hand at him to get him to be quiet.

"Yes yes that one and be quick about it"

"Yes my lady"

He Salutes her and leaves, knowing better than to get on her bad side.

Fred opens a door that says restricted on it in bold red letters that look weirdly intimidating. There are high-tech dangerous weapons everywhere he goes to the back where he finds a big weapon that says Potesta on it. After he finds it, Fred runs back to Akila with a weapon. Jamila pushes Akila to the side after finally figuring out her plan.

"Potesta's she's going to kill you have to go" She warns them tensely.

Akila pushes her back

"No, I'm not," She replies quickly then flashes a smile at the potesta's as if to assure them.

The Potesta's look around Really confused at this point.

"Did you think they were going to listen to you?" Akila says Mockingly to Jamila.

The Potesta's point all their weapons at Akila. She puts her hands up to show she is defeated.

"You got me," she says with fake sadness in her voice.

Jamila smiles satisfied over her victory.

"But you didn't get me, FRED NOW"

Akila backflips and grabs the Gun Fred throws at her, the Potesta's shoot at her, but she shoots the gun she has at them and a blue blast destroys the Potestas.

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