Part 4

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A Potesta rushes into Akila's hall panting.

"Report my lady, two little girls are coming this way. well older than you but you know, anyway they want to try to overthrow us."

Akila turns around spinning on her heels,

"no worries, we shouldn't be afraid of nobodies, after all, we do have all the power, and in my case the brains to defeat 2 random beings."

At once all the Potesta's in the room said, "OMNIA PARATUS". Akila turned back around and gave a sinister grin.

Later that day when Isabella and Jamila's parents read the notes they left behind they were unsure and confused about what was happening since the note said...,

Dear mom/dad

Jamila and I have gone out for a trip but don't worry we have everything we need and everything you would tell us to take and we'll try to stay out of trouble, it's a short camping trip between 2 friends and we will most likely be back in a week

Your favorite and only child


Then Jamila's read...

Dear mom,

Don't freak out if I am gone at least I was a good child and wrote a note. Isabella and I have gone out for a camping trip for a bit and we will be back in a week. I have everything so you don't need to call the police, not this time. Anyway, you know how good of a kid I am and stay out of trouble, Like what could go wrong right?


. Then Isabella's parents called them that night.

When the phone rang Both girls looked at each other nervously and Isabella picked up

"Hello?" "Isabella, where are you" it was her dad.

"Nowhere, just I and Jamila are out camping and hiking before it gets cold ya know"

"Then why did you just leave a note you know this is not how we act it's dangerous-".

"I know dad, it's just for fun"

. "Ok then but be home soon "

"Well, what happened?" Jamila questioned

"Oh it was just my dad I told him we went camping we better hurry before they get suspicious" Isabella informed her, she had a nervous expression on her face as if she were hiding something.

Jamila shrugged her shoulder and went back to drawing in the dirt.

The next day they stumbled upon a cottage.

"Well we could do with a break"

Jamila nodded in agreement

When they knocked on the door a little girl opened the door.

"And you are"? She asked.

"I'm Jamila and this is my friend, Isabella"

Isabella waved at her.

"Nothing important, " Isabella replied

"Well you can come in," She told them.

She opened the door wide so they could come through.

"What's a little girl like you doing out here" Isabella questioned?

"We're gonna attempt to take on Akila," Jamila said, earning a stomp on the foot by Isabella.

"Akila," the girl said, smirking and turning her back to them.

"Yeah, but you probably don't know much about her," Isabella said, still giving Jamila a dirty look...

"Yeah, I do, I know her quite well" The girl responded.

I Jamila gave her a confused look, and Isabella made eye contact with her as to tell her something. Then the girl pressed a button and pulled a lever and the cottage lifted revealing a huge castle behind it which was stark against the stormy day sky.

"Wow how'd you do that, also how'd you change your outfit that fasts I NEED to learn that," Jamila said in awe.

The little girl who was actually Akila gave her an annoyed look and walked past her.

"But I really must thank your friend here" Akila announced as Isabella walked over to Akila and Emily and Audenzia sneak up behind Jamila.

"Which one- " Jamila started with confusion in her voice.

"Oh, Isabella is with me and Those two random beings are not"

Jamila gave a silent oh.

¨Ok so basically Isabella betrayed me and you two stalked me"

"That the latest" Akila informed uninterestedly.

Akila claps her hand together before speaking.

"Now that's all cleared up where were we".

The Potesta's grab Jamila, Emila, and Audenzia and bring them out of the room.

"Bye"! Akila said joyfully while waving and grinning ear to ear.

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