"Don't- don't feel comfortable" he hesitantly replies and then tries to hide his face looking the opposite side. Jungkook wants to keep looking at him.
They stayed silent for some time, Taehyung keeps rubbing his hands, warming them.

The prince finally understands, Taehyung is scared and yes, uncomfortable and obvioulsy he is right to feel like that he don't even know anyone.
Though he looks sleepy and tired.
To think about it, he is just a normal boy, he is not used to all this travelling on horses and staying in a forest and that too with forty nine strong and built guards around him, ofcourse he would feel uncomfortable. He just knows the prince and Jongin. Jungkook even noticed him talking only to Jongin and him and no one else.

"You know its difficult for me too, to sleep, I can't sleep in my own bed and sleeping here would be impossible for me, I am just going to lay down to relax my back muscles-- why don't you just -- nevermind -- come here--"
The prince stood up and extends his hand in front of Taehyung.
Taehyung looks at him and then to his hand with his innocent doe eyes. He do not think much and places his hand in the prince's.
Jungkook's hand is cold but soft, while Taehyung's is warm.
The prince pulls him up and gestures Jongin to unload Taehyung's blankets. Jongin does as told with a knowing smile.
He then asks Jongin to make a bed between his and Jongin's. The guard prepares a bed for Taehyung.
Taehyung feels his eyes stinging with tears when the prince looks at him.

"I hope it is comfortable now?"
Taehyung nods and blinks away his tears.
The prince leaves his hand.

"Good night then?"

"Thank you Young prince" he bows but Jungkook shakes his head, silently asking him not to thank him, and walks to his own bed.
He mumbles a thanks to Jongin who gives him a sweet smile.
He then lays down between them.
And now he really feels comfortable and safe. He sees the prince laying on his hand making it as a pillow and looking up in the sky. And now that he is feeling secured finally, he observes the sky, there are no stars, it is filled with dense clouds and the moon is playing hide and seek with them. Nevertheless, it looks peaceful. The forest looks calm too. It is a cold night though, Taehyung shrinks himself and covers himself till neck with the blanket. His eyes again averts to the prince who is still looking at the sky.

Why didn't God made everyone like the prince-- kind and caring. The world could have been a best place. I wish nothing but happiness for him. He deserves best and only best things in his life.

Taehyung smiles and don't know when he fall asleep with that smile still on his face.

Taehyung woke up with the neighing of horses and voices around him. The sun would rise in some minutes, the sky is clean and covered with orange and pink shades. Taehyung looks around him, almost all of them woke up and are loading their things on the horses. He saw beside him the prince's bed and blanket is still there but not him. He gets up and folds his blankets and then the prince's and then Jongin's and picks them up.

He smiles when he hears the greeting.
"Well, good morning there!" the prince says, Taehyung turns around. The prince looks fresh and all set to go. And beside him Jongin looks the same. While he himself looks like a mess with his bed hair. He sets his hair nervously and greets back mumbling a shy 'good morning young prince.'

"Slept well?"


"Go freshen up, we will leave in some minutes" Taehyung nods and follows Jongin when he gestures him.

Soon they get back on their way towards the Lee kingdom.


It was around sunset when they reached there. They got accompanied by two guards of Lees, who lead the way.
The market looks awfully noisy. Decorations were there though, royal flags, beautiful lanterns hangings on the side of way. The odd thing was people were watching them with a shocked expression when the guards announced Jeon Prince's arrival.
There was no carriage, the prince dressed up the same as that of his guards, it really was a shock for them, no royal ever in the history arrived in another kingdom like that. Nonetheless, they looked more powerful, aura oozing with pride and strength an this raw entry is impressing everyone. Then finally, the logic dawns upon people and they started cheering 'Welcomes' to the charming prince.

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