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A/N: Guys, I really really want to make the chappie the great mistake (chappie three) and make it like: if hort touched sophie's hair? uwu but i need your permission first :D

do you give me permission??? (comment>>>>>>>>>>>>)


For the challenge, Yuba announced, each student had to distinguish themselves between a disguised Ever and Never by observing their behavior. Whoever correctly identified the Good student and the Evil student in the fastest time would receive the first rank.

"I've done so much of these Evil Rules," Sophie beamed standing beside TEDDY BEAR.

(Right right, sorry I'll fix that but that change stays there ok?)

"I've never done so much of these Evil Rules" Sophie mourned standing beside Tedros. "If they only knew about all of my good deeds!"

(Sophie, people who do good deeds are just people who want to be good. Good people don't even think they did good deeds, but they are doing a ton naturally.)

Agatha just bit back a smile, remembering Radly.

Beatrix turned. "NeVerS ShOuLDn't TaLk tO eVerSSSSSS"

(This is official I am not editing this. Beatrix needs to give Sophie a chance that will not exist- Tagatha forever but still-)

"Evers shouldn't call Evers Nevers." Sophie snapped.

Beatrix looked confused, as Tagatha smiled and bit back their laughs.

Hort volunteered to go first.

He ripped his blindfold off.

"Look the bloody same to me!"


Dot scratched her head.

"Can we start again?"


This kept going for a whole 10 min...

Yuba squinted at the scroll of names. "Who wants to be disguised as Tedros?" (OMG THIs IS AN ACTUAL MISTAKE I JUST MADE LOL)


"Who will like to be disguised for Tedros?"

All the Ever Girls hands shot up.

"You haven't gone yet. " Yuba said to Agatha. Then he pointed at Sophie.

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