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Before Agatha could move, the stampede came from every direction. Every animal on the school grounds and animals that could squeeze through the gates charged towards her.

Make us HooooOOOOman!!! They demanded.

Agatha blanched. Since when did she know animals said "human" like that??


"What do I do?" Agatha shouted.

Uma took one glance at the animals, her faithful puppets, her bosom friends...



Agatha dashed towards the towers, (I wrote towels first loll) as magpies pecked her hands (Soman, what are magpies?), mice clung to her slippers, frogs hopped up to her dress. 

Battling at the mob, she stumbled up the hill. But just as she saw the white swan doors in sight, a moose charged out of the trees and sprang-- she ducked and the moose crashed, skewering the swans. (woah- hold it there animals, you realize the wish fish only got it since it can grant wishes ya know- also, if you take her by force, Agatha will never grant your wish. I also imagine when the moose jumps, he jumps so high he looks like a starfish lolll)

Agatha bolted through the glass foyer, past Pollux on goat legs, (goat-Pollux, yo!) who glimpsed the onslaught behind her.

"What in the devil-" (Yeah, what in the devil 😜)

"A little help!" She yelled---

"DON'T MOVE!!!!!" Pollux shrieked. (Wait.... is Pollux somehow related to Sophie?? *a joke if you can't tell*)

Agatha had sped up too much to stop, so when she tried, she tripped to the floor.

She groaned and looked back to Pollux, who was deflecting animals, left to right, before a thousand butterflies (EVELYN SADER EVERYONE) crashed through the sunroof and knocked his head of his goat body, leaving the herd to chase Agatha.

"Not into the towers!" Pollux's head screeched as it rolled out the door-

What do I do?!? Agatha thought, tense.

Agatha looked around, looking for a teacher, prince, her friends, anything that could save her-- as her eyes landed on a muscular figure. 

She tensed. Was it a prince? Or a big scary animal???

A horned gargoyle ripped through mist and blasted the door aflame. 

Turned out it was a big stupid scary animal.

The demon came towards her then looked at her face,then rushed towards her, a sad smile creeping up. 

Then he motioned at himself.

Save me.

Agatha took one look at the sad animal, who she thought had the same soul of Sophie, a gargoyle that was trapped in a evil place-

She started to walk towards him.

A sword impaled his heart.

She gasped. It was Tedros.

"Filthy evil beast!" He scoffed--

Agatha slapped him, which he recoiled at.

 He got smacked when he tried to bring Agatha to his chest.


Agatha rushed to the demon who was having his last final breaths. 

A wish. The demon had made a wish.

Wish granted. 

Agatha watched as the demon died his wish come true, safe, as a human.

Tedros looked shocked. 

Agatha rushed to him.

"I'm sorry for slapping you," she said as she hugged him and gave him a playful push.

Tedros went to the gargoyle. He looked  down.

"I'm so sorry," he said, looking scared.

The boy (gargoyle) just gave him a sad smile.

Tedros sighed and closed his eyes.

Agatha went to Tedros, and rubbed his back, as they watched the gargoyle pass away.

Just then, a wave of  fire came towards them. 

Tedros's arm went right around Agatha's waist, as he tried to wisk Agatha to safety.

But, Agatha had different plans.

Agatha grabbed the gargoyle's hand- trying to say he could come with them-

It's okay. 

With that, Tedros looked at Agatha, squeezed her hand, and wisked her to safety.


What did ya all think????????

I thought my new version with the demon dying happily and a tagatha moment was golden!


This was my sorry present for not updating :3

Hope you like it!!!



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