"Jin, please join me," Taehyung said while chewing on his bacon. I hesitated for a moment, but then I decided to sit opposite him. Suddenly, Jae-hwan pushed me very softly and led me to the other end of the table. I didn't mind and sat down. Jae-hwan helped me with the chair, ordered breakfast for me, and then stood by my side the whole time. Taehyung watched us with dark eyes, but I didn't care. I enjoyed my meal and then left the dining room without a word.

* * * 

"What are you doing?" I asked while sitting on a swing in the garden. I finally get rid of Jae-hwan. Since this morning, he is like my shadow, always by my side.

"I just got out of the shower," Jungkook said ordinary, yet I felt how my body filled excitement.

"Don't do this to me," I said, blushing.

"Wait, did I just make my Jin shy?" Jungkook asked shocked and laughed a little.

"No! I know how you look like after a shower, and I don't want to imagine your body for the rest of the day. So go to blow dry your hair and dressed up before someone will see you! Hurry up!" I commanded. 

"Yes, captain!" Jungkook pretended to salute. We both laughed and went on talking while he was dressing up. It felt so good to talk to him, but I couldn't get rid of that uncomfortable feeling that someone watched me. 

"Jin, now don't respond. We don't know who is listening. We already finished the rescue plan for you. You have to just..."

"It is no longer needed. Taehyung and I made a deal. I'll be home before you know it." I said, smiling. I thought that Jungkook would be happy, but he reacted differently.

"Jin! What deal? How can you trust him? Are you completely dumb?" Jungkook yelled angry into my ear. He never yelled at me so harshly. 

"I just...wanted to return home as soon as possible," I said weakly and felt tears in my eyes.

"Jin, cancel the deal! I have to go." Jungkook said sternly and hung up. I slowly put my mobile back in my pocket and leaned back in the swing. I stared at the trees and flowers in front of me. It was a wonderful garden. 

"Bad day?" A deep voice asked and pulled me out of my thoughts. Taehyung sat down beside me and began to sway us on the swing.

"No, today is amazing. Delicious breakfast, no clouds in the sky, the air smells like fresh grass, and I am completely alone in a foreign kingdom, where I am a prisoner at the same time. It couldn't be better." I said with a smile while tears rolled from my eyes.

"You are not my prisoner. You are my future wife." He said mockingly and smirked. Then he put his hand on my hand that was on my thigh. First, I looked at his hand on mine, and then I looked at him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked desperately with tears in my eyes. I saw how his eyes softened, and his expression changed.

"Sorry, I am just joking. I just wanted to ease the situation." He said and pulled his hand from my thigh to scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"No, I mean it," I said seriously and wiped my tears. I calmed myself and looked at him.

"We made a deal. I will do whatever you wish, and then you let me go." I said, and he nodded a little confused. Probably because of my mood swing. But then he leaned back in swing and looked at me playfully.

"Ok, we can start now. The first thing I want you to do is to send that jerk back to your kingdom." Taehyung said, and I wide my eyes.

"Jae-hwan is my bodyguard," I replied.

"Yeah, and I've tolerated him for a long time. But you must have already realized that I am not a danger to you. And I have enough of my guards to protect us both." Taehyung said seriously and folded his arms across his chest. I thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Second, you will sleep in my room." He said with a sly smirk. I laughed, but then I realized from his face that he is not joking.

"No," I said decisively.

"There is no "no" in this game," Taehyung smirked.

"Ok, then I want another bed to be moved to your chamber," I said, smirking and crossed my arms on my chest.


"There are no "no"." I cut him off. I saw how his smile fell. He thought for a second and quickly added with a smile.

"You have to show up with me at an event this weekend."

"Ok," I shrugged. It sounds normal.

"As my fiance," he added with a smirk.

"No," I said immediately.

"You know rules." He said as he stood up and made his way to the garden. I stood up as well and followed him into the garden. We were fighting about that and other things. And I didn't even realize that we bypassed the whole garden twice.

* * *

Jungkook's POV:

I didn't intend to yell at Jin. I was so stressed out these days. Since I found out that King of Anyang is really my former best friend, I was on pins and needles. I was so busy with Jin that I completely forgot about the folder from Jimin. I just wanted to know that Taehyung is ok, but I found out that he is fucking king. Who knows what he is planning with Jin. But I am sure that he will use him against me as revenge for what I did.

A lot of people know my story. I was awarded for bravery in saving our people from kidnappers. But no one knows the dark secret of the story. Taehyung never got to the radio. The kidnappers got him before he could call reinforcements. But I didn't care. I thought he just ran away - I wanted to think so. I acted like a piece of shit because of my stubbornness.

Then I found out that he was imprisoned for 5 months before his family paid a lot of money to get him from kidnappers. Until now, I regret my decision to give up on Taehyung. That's why I lowered myself to talking to Jimin to find out about him.

I understand that Taehyung feels hatred towards me. But I wouldn't survive if he tortured Jin because of me or used him as a weapon against me. I owe both of them many things, and If I had to choose one of them, it would be very hard. I would rather sacrifice myself.


If you are bored, you can leave, but I am not done yet.

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