In the end, Olivia fell asleep with her head resting against her chin, and when her forehead slid off her hand onto Logan's shoulder, Logan didn't make a move to shift her away until a police officer knocked on the door and asked to speak with him. Then Blake picked her up off the chair and put her on the couch so she would be more comfortable.

The police officer talked to Logan for a long time, trying to get any information about what he remembered, but he couldn't give the officer anything. When they were done, the officer said, "We can't file criminal charges or conduct too much further investigation because you don't remember much, but we can complete a rape kit if you wish."

Logan's face twisted in discomfort and Blake took a deep breath, ready to fight him if he wanted to say no, but Logan surprised him. He clenched his jaw and said, "Fine."

"Very well. I'll wait for you outside."

Blake had to help Logan get out of bed even though Logan protested and threatened and snapped at him. He dizzily clutched Blake's shoulder when he tried to take a step and stumbled.

"You okay?" Blake asked, steadying him by the elbow.

"Quit asking me that."

"You want me to come with you?"

"I'm not five."

"I know."

They stood there silently. Blake could see both of Logan's hands trembling. He was not okay.

But Logan couldn't even bear the mere thought of letting someone in, of confessing his fear, let alone outwardly admit it. So Blake did the only thing he knew to in these situations.

He hugged his brother, holding him tighter when he felt that his whole body was shivering slightly. And it didn't bother him that Logan only stood there with one arm stiffly against his back because he knew how hard it was for him and he was just glad that his shaking eased.

"It's okay if you're scared," Blake said quietly. "I know Elijah's not here but I am. You can talk to me."

"Be quiet, you complete sap," Logan muttered, his arm nervously tightening around Blake.

They stood there for a little while until Logan gently pulled away and dragged his hands through his hair a few times. "Okay. I'm fine now. I'm going."

Blake stopped him. "Wait. Can I come with you? It would make me feel better," he said.

Logan sighed. "Do you have to?"

Blake gave him his best genuine face. "Please? I swear I won't do anything. I'll just stay outside."

"Fine. If you really want to."

Blake smiled to himself when Logan's shoulders relaxed a bit in response. It had taken him a while to figure out best how to cajole his brother into accepting help, but he'd learned. "Thanks."


When they got back to the hospital room, the smell of spicy and garlicky meat made Blake's mouth water. Andy was sitting on one chair with his feet up on the other, a bag of food on the floor next to him. Olivia was still sleeping on the couch behind him, Andy's jacket draped over her shoulders.

"Hope you like Chinese," Andy said, lifting the plastic bag.

"I'll eat anything right now," Logan groaned, collapsing on the bed.

As Andy pulled out an assortment of boxes onto the plastic rolling table next to the bed, he kept pulling his lips into his mouth to squash a smile. "What're you laughing about?" Logan snapped, even more crabby after the hour-long ordeal he'd been through.

The Lies He SpokeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora