Chapter 1

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****long time ago****

*In front of a kindergarten school*

'I was never so excited like this. This is my first day going to meet my many many friend, I know this will be exciting. Mom and dad said that I will have many friend here.' Said a little boy in his heart. While happily jumping cheerfully and walking towards his classroom with his parents.

"Study well and have fun, na our lil. Hero. Don't be naughty and behave." Said his father before watching his son enter his class.

"Okay dad and mom. I know." Said the little boy while walking beside his friendly teacher.





'I hate going to school so much! I wish I can still sleep and dream about my Iron man at home! Awww, what's wrong with him?! why did he like to go to school. This boy is kinda weird.' Said a lil. boy who looking at the excited boy happily sit next to him.

*Before Going to school*

"Earthhhhh Pirapat Watthanasetsiri!!!!! Hurry up, wake up now son or else you'll be late on your first day!" yell Mrs. Watthanasetsiri early in the morning.

"5 more mins maeeeee." the lil. boy yelled back.

"No!no!no! Earthhhh wake up son, right now. I count to 3 if you still didn't get your ass up to bath you know what I will do. Counting start 1.....2...."

"Yesssss maeeeee khrap. I'm going." With his eyes still closing he walk to the bathroom.

"Hey, open your eyes while walking son." warn his mom.

"Yes,yes mdm!" said Earth while closing the bathroom door.




That is the reason why our lil. Pirapat was being grumpy until he reach his classroom./

*In the classroom*

"Okay Mix, you can seat beside that boy with an Iron man bag. Go now." said teacher Torfun their homeroom teacher. While smiling at Mix.

Mix seated at the place where their teacher told him and when he turned to his left side, he saw a grumpy boy with a sleepy face staring at him.

"Hi, I'm Mix Sahaphap Wongratch!" Said Mix excitedly. But then the boy beside him just turned away and keep quiet.

"Aww, why did you ignore me friend? Oi oi oi, let's be friend I want to know your name." Said Mix while shaking at that boy hand.

Earth was shocked and suddenly he yelled at Mix "What do you want?!!! Can you stop talking for a while?!!!!!" All their classmate were looking at them. Mix was shocked with the sudden yelled and he don't like to be shouted or yelled so he cried so loud until their teacher Torfun notice their small bickering and hurriedly go to their place.

"Why do you cry, lil. brave boy?" ask his teacher.

"I don't like him !!! I won't be his friend anymore." said mix while crying.

"Awwwwwh, how come that's my fault?!" defend Earth.

"Ok, ok guys don't fight ok. Now stop crying Mix tell teacher what happened ok?" said their teacher softly to mix and earth.

"It's him teacher, I just want to know his name but then he ignore me and don't want to be my friend." said lil. mix sulking.

"And why is that mr. Pirapat?"

"Awww, why me teacher? It's this kids demand me to tell my name while I want to take a little nap."

"I see now, so both of you don't angry at each other first. Teacher think that it's not really wrong if we want to be somebody friend but you must watch what he/she do before asking next time ok Mix? And for you there mr. Earth Pirapat, don't yelled to your friend like that next time ok? You can explain to him or ask him to wait for you. Ok now, we will introduce ourself one by one ok? Starting from you Mr. Pirapat."

"Ok, ok, Hello everyone I'm Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri."

"Ok let's clap our hand, he is Earth. Ok next."

"Hi, I'm Mix Sahaphap Wongratch khrap." and their friend continue to introduce themselves.

"Hey, crying baby" Said earth

"Hey, I'm not a baby! I don't want to talk to you. You are bad." said Mix sulking.

"Hey,hey, look I'm sorry ok."





"No! still no!"

"Ok then up to you."

"hmphhhh" said mix sulking while looking at their other friends.

***after a while***

"Ok class, today we will be planting a green plant. You will be partner with the person sit next to you."

"Ok let's go hurry up."

***After planting***

"Ok, now please take that fertilizer and put it to your plant ok."

"Why is this things smelly teacher?" asked one of their friend.

"This is actually a chicken poops and its an organic fertilizer. It's good for the plant to growth up like all of you. Ok now, take it a little bit one by one."

"Oi, turr.. oii Ai' Earth you go to take that. It's smelly I will wait here ok? Now go .. shuhhhh shuhhh goo."

"Ahhh you lazy brat. Ok!"

Earth took the fertilizer in a cute little elephant watering can and going back to mix. Meanwhile, mix was squatting near their plant and looking interestingly at the soil. Earth come back and he pour down the fertilizer without looking at the plant.

"EARTH PIRAPAT WATTHANASETSIRI !!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled mix while crying.

"What?!" asked earth while turned his head to mix and he was shocked.

"Mr. Earth what did you do this time?" asked teacher with concern voice. Mix looked all messed beside him with stinky smell of chicken fertilizer and he was crying because all of their friends laughed at him except earth. He was looking at mix with guilty and sadness eyes.

"I hate you! I don't want to be your friend anymore!" said mix and run to the toilet crying.




*End of Flashback*


*p/s : this is my first story please forgive me if this story was not as interesting as other story. And please forgive me if my grammar is wrong because English was not my first language.

Our First Meet was a Disaster!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant