Chapter Twenty Three - "I promise it's not a sex toy."

Start from the beginning

As for me, Paul has been the best boyfriend I have ever had (I don't want to count Craig but you can't always get what you want). The week we first started dating was so surreal; to be able to hold his hand in the halls and kiss him on the way to class in public was electrifying. I was expecting a lot of homophobia, but we only had two instances, and both of them were girls who used to have a thing for Paul. Luckily, Raine was there to tell them to go away. I know she'll never admit to it, but I think she likes Paul and I together now.

Our one month anniversary just passed yesterday, the 6th of October. I kind of wish he asked me out on September 3rd, so I could do the "It's October 3rd" thing from Mean Girls, but you win some you lose some. We now have a ritual that on the day of our anniversary, we wear our matching MINE shirts in public, which is great for me since I want these girls to know who he belongs to. I have become the most territorial guy ever since getting Paul as my boyfriend, and every time I hear Jealous on the radio my only response is "Same".

We didn't do anything monumental since I had my exam today; just some movies and heavy making out on my couch, which was good enough for me. Yesterday was also the first time he met all of my immediate family (Jourdan included, who I have a feeling is going to be married into the family at this rate), since he's only seen Steph and my Mom the last month. I used to let Bryce test out potential boyfriends but, after the whole Craig thing, I figured Bryce really isn't the best to help me avoid douchebags. Steph AND my dad gave Paul a full assessment over the dinner table, with Steph asking all the questions a concerned mother *cough* would ask her gay son's boyfriend. As usual, my mother did nothing but watch, but I think she would approve.

It feels so good to have the one person I've been pining after for so long, just sitting next to me on my couch, his eyes glowing in the dark and making my stomach do flips. I'm not getting used to it, and I never want to get used to it. I want to feel those same flips in another month, another year, or another five if we're lucky.

I walk outside the school to my boyfriend waiting for me outside of his car with a bag of food and a hoodie, which he will be rewarded for later. It got colder than it was this morning and I only wore a long sleeve shirt, which wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. I grab the hoodie (which smells like him) and pull it over my head, and the second I look up to say hello his lips are already on mine. He puts his hands on both sides of my cheek and just absorbs me up, in a non-creepy way, but a way that makes me feel lighter.

He lets me go to give me the food, which I rip open the second it gets in my hand. CHICKEN NUGGETS, it's like he read my mind! I officially have the best boyfriend of all time, everyone else can go home until the end of time. I wave at Brad and Caroline, with my nuggets in my mouth still, and get in the passenger seat of the car. Paul looks very amused at the sight of me and it is in this moment that I wonder why he took weirdo me off the market. I don't ask, though, because I will take all the miracles I can.

As we drive toward my house, I ask him how his day was so far. He says he's just been studying since he's taking his SAT exam next weekend. I told him to just switch to the ACT, but because he sucks at science, he says that he'd rather take his chances on the SAT then screw up the entire science section. He also said he has a waiter shift at the diner he works at tonight, so he says if I'm still awake when he gets out, he'll bring me some food for us to share (reason #732 as to why he is the best boyfriend ever). I actually wish I was going to see him work, he has to wear this shirt that makes his body look fantastic. That explains all the big tips he gets.

Just as the radio is about to play All About That Bass, I see a car in my yard that literally makes me groan over my favourite part. Seriously, why the hell is he here? I really hope when Paul parks to drop me off his car will be leaving, forever if I'm lucky.

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