"I already have you, I don't know how you could give me anything better than that. You can try but I don't think you'll succeed." 

"Harry, are you okay?" Nathan asks snapping me out of my thoughts. He noticed I was crying. 

"I-I'm fine..." I mumble looking at my feet. 

"Do you need to talk to someone?" I look back up at him to notice he was really worried. 

"I-I..." I try to speak but my tongue wouldn't let  me. 

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" He whispers really concerned. 

I nod my head and walk outside of the shop and sit on the ground. After a minute he comes out of the shop with his drink. He sits on the sidewalk next to me and stares at the street. 

"Is it about Liam? Why you are crying?" He asks suddenly confusing me how he knew about Liam. 

"How do you-"

"Liam is my neighbor, I didn't mean to be listening...But I'm not sure how it was possible not to listen..." He trails off looking at the sidewalk. 

Great...Fucking great.

"I went over to talk to him in the morning just to make sure everything was okay...He didn't open the door but the door was unlocked so I decided to go in...I couldn't find him anywhere but I found Mikayla. She was crying because she couldn't find her dad so I took her over to my house and now my mother is taking care of her...It made my mum happy because she just lost her newborn child...She always wanted a little girl...She had one named Andrea but she recently died due to cancer. She used to have a little boy, my younger brother, named Louis but she had to put him up for adoption because her mum would only let her have one child. She got rid of Louis and kept me instead...I honestly, can't thank my mother enough...But it made her happy that Mikayla is over there right now." He says all at once without tearing up. 

Where is Liam?

Where did he go?

Louis Tomlinson? Perrie's lover...I mean, best friend?

"Louis Tomlinson?" I asked aloud wondering if it was the same Louis I know.

"Well, his name was Louis Adams but his last name was probably changed." He says quietly. 

"Where is Liam at, do you know where he went?" I ask. 

"I'm not sure...I'm sorry..."

I lean my head on the shop behind me and close my eyes. 

What the hell does he think he's doing?

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have been listening...I just hope you're okay." He whispers looking back a me with tears in his eyes. I lean my head on his shoulder and cry. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a good relationship with my father. My mother and him have only been married for a year or so now and I still can't get over the death of my actual father."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." 

"He's in a better place now, I hope..."

Nathan and I sit in silence as I silently cry. He wraps his arm around my waste. After ten minutes, Layla comes out of the shop and sits next to Nathan. 

"Thanks for ditching me for her." She scoffs and rolls her eyes at him. 

"Layla, stop. You know that you are my best friend no matter what. Harry just needs someone right now-"

"No, go ahead and finish whatever you two were doing." She gets up and walks away towards a brand-new car that I am assuming is hers.

"I have to get going, Harry. I'm sorry..." He removes his arm from my waste and pecks my cheek before getting up and walking towards the brand-new car.

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