"You're giving up that easily?" Plagg sighed, before a piece of cheese caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

"If I'd try and go today, I'd have to go face my father and ask him permission to go... And his face is the last thing I need to see right now." He moaned, beginning to slightly bang his head on his desk, frustrated. Then it hit him.

     "You know what... I'm going to this party Plagg! I want to be as far away from home for as long as possible! I don't even care if I will know like no one else there... I just can't handle being here! And... And even if he would say no, I'd go anyway! Yeah. That'll show him!" He exclaimed to his kwami, beginning to shove potential outfits together, and throwing them across his bed to pick through.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say kid." His kwami answered, clearly paying little to no attention to what his holder said, before devouring the slice of camembert he'd just found.
"I still feel sick to my stomach, but I don't even care! Any place but here sounds amazing right now!" He said, deciding between two of the best outfit choices laid across his bedspread.
"I say it's pretty fortunate that you found this party invite in the nick of time. You have a perfect escape and excuse if it all goes to plan, thanks to that piece of paper." His kwami finally chimed in, grazing his little paw along one of his slices of cheese lovingly.

"It is." He answered simply, going to grab a few pairs of neck ties to choose from.

"Ugh! None of these outfits are doing it for me. I need something more dressy, but these are way too dressy. I want to blend in with the other people attending this party, but not stick out more then Jayden since he's the main focus." He explained, beginning to rub his chin in thought.

"Wow! That confident in your looks I see. What a smooth way to say Jayden is less attractive then you." Plagg commented. Just then, a package that seemed to have fallen by the side of his desk caught Adrien's attention.

Maybe that's the package from Clara! He thought, making his way towards the package.

Sure enough, the package was labelled to him from Clara Hudson. He tore it open excitedly, it revealing a very high quality made suit just his size! It had intricate hand sewn embroidery scattered across the neckline, down to the front of the vest. He looked at in awe. It was exactly the outfit he was picturing wearing.

"This is amazing! Just what I was looking for Plagg!" He called out to his kwami who was engulfed in a pile of aged cheese. He held it up to himself in the mirror, and admired how well it complimented his skin tone, and his emerald green eyes. She really is a super fan! He thought to himself.

"I think it's settled! I'm gonna go Plagg! Now, I just have to ask my father..." He sighed, gently placing his new outfit on his bed.


     Gabriel sat beside Natalie who lay weak in the guest bed. He sat listening to her heavy, but slow breathes as she slept. He began to rub his face in guilt before a slight knock came at the door. He quickly turned his head towards the door, unsure if someone had actually knocked on it or not. A little while later, the hesitant knock came again, a little louder this time around. He sprung to his feet, and made his way quickly to the door to so who would be knocking. To his surprise, a scared Adrien appeared the moment he pulled it open.

     "Father!" He said startled, putting a hand to his chest to calm his breathes. He took notice of his odd behavior, but decide to shove it aside.

"Is there something you need, son?" He asked him in his normal mono toned voice. Adrien seemed to jump a little again at his voice. Why is he acting so strange? He thought as his son began fidgeting nervously with his hands.

"I- Um... You know Jayden Lynx? He is having a birthday party today and, um... I- I was wonder if maybe I could-"

"Why are you acting so nervous and scared Adrien?" He confronted him forwardly. He watched as Adrien looked to him shocked. There were a various of emotions he could read off of him. He watched as a snarl appeared on his face before he replied.

"I don't know, you tell me why." He spat, crossing his arms rebelliously at him. The flash of hatred was given through his glare. Almost as if he'd caught onto something. This made Gabriel a little uneasy. Before he could let anything slip from his mouth, he held his guard up, and let out an exhausted sigh instead. He knew why he was scared.

"You can go to the party Adrien."

     He watched Adrien's whole demeaner lightened, as a slight, relieved smile was plastered across his face.

"I- Thank you father." He said, refusing to look into his father's eyes, trying not to show how happy he was.

"Be sure to give Jayden my deepest apologies for my absence, and that I wish him well." He added to Adrien as he turned around to head back to his massive room.

"I will." He uttered quietly, before leaving from his sight.

"Very odd. Please not have found anything out my monstrūm pārvūm... Emilie would never forgive me if you would..."

~*I'm SOOOO sorry I kept you bugaboos waiting so long! :'( I have been in major procrastination mode lately... But, the chapter is finally here! I have another chapter fully written that I'll be posting in the very near future, so be looking out for that soon as well :D! 

And, if you are wondering by chance:

Are you still writing this story? Yes!

Are you planning on finishing it, and undergo editing in the future? YES!

But, are you a major procrastinator that gets writer's block a lot? Yes...

These are all true! But, bare with me, loves!~ I am determined to finish this story for you all! Again, thank you for your support, and comments LOL! They make my day! <3*~

<3Pound it!<3


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