Chapter 10: Team Placement

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Today was the day we were everyone who graduated was going to be assigned there, team.

While walking to the academy I was only hoping to be paired up with someone with skill, because I didn't want to have to deal with having to protect my teammates all the time. I would be okay with Benjiro and Kameko. Even Sauske would be okay since he seemed pretty strong based on what I have seen in class.

I walked into the academy and noticed that half of the seats were already filled up, but classmates were standing around talking with each other.

"Katsumi come and sit over here," Kameko waved over to me. Sitting next to her was Benjiro her best friend and the Tokage clan heir. While Kameko and her family were the only members of the Neko clan in the Hidden leaf village. Her mother, father, and siblings used to live with the rest of the clan in the Hidden grass village.

I nodded at her and walked over to the empty seat on Kameko's left. While Benjiro was on her right.

"Hey," Benjiro greeted when he saw me sit down next to Kameko.

"Hi Ben," I greeted back using the nickname Kameko always used when talking to him.

More classmates began to fill the classroom, but two classmates made a loud entrance.

"I made it first!" Ino and Sakura's shouted at the same time. I shook my head as struggle to step inside the classroom.

Their love rival competition was completely pointless since Sasuke paid no attention to any of his female fangirls. Not even as a kid would he bat an eye their way. There was no point in chasing after him.

'So pathetic so focus on romance instead of being a ninja. Father the girls in this village are pathetic. I wonder what would have happened to me if you were still in the village and raised me here.' I thought resting my head on the table.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Kameko laughing. I turned to my left to see her laughing at the fact Naruto and Sasuke were kissing.

"What on earth just happened?" I asked as they both moved back gagging and trying to clean their mouths.

"The boy behind Naruto bumped him and pushed him into Sauske making them kiss," Benjiro explained.

I nodded and raised an eyebrow as the fangirls best up Naruto for stealing Sasuke's first kiss.


Iruka walked into the classroom and was about to announce the teams.

"As of today, you are all ninjas. You have faced difficult goals and hardship. But that was nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are all Genin first level, ninjas. All the Genin will be grouped into three-man squads. Each squad will be led by a jonin. An elite ninja," Iruka said.

I focused my attention on Iruka as he was about to talk.

"We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities, so that's how we set them up. I will now announce the squads," he said as I rested my hand on my cheek.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha. You three will be known as team seven and you will be lead by Kakashi-sensei."

'Good I didn't what to be on the team. Naruto a good friend, but he so loud, and Sakura will keep calling a Sasuke stealing when I don't like him that way. Sure he has nice looks, but not my type.'

"Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inazuka, and Shino Aburame. You three will be known as team eight and will be lead by Kurenai-sensei."

"Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. You three will be known as team ten and will be lead by Asuma-sensei."

"Kasumi Senju, Kameko Neko, and Benjiro Tokage. You three will be known as team eleven and will be lead by Reika-sensei."

'Well, I got on a team with people who can hold their own. At least I won't have to do all the work. I want are sensei like I don't think I ever heard of them.'

Naruto suddenly stood up, yelling. "Iruka-sensei! Why does a great ninja like me have to be in a squad with a slug-like Sasuke?!"

Iruka looked up from his papers responding calmly. "Sasuke had the best score of all the graduating students. Naruto you had the worst score. To create a balanced team, we put the best student with the worse students."

"Just make sure you don't get in my way..." Sasuke muttered. "Loser."

They started bickering, but Iruka cut them off, clearing his throats. "After lunch, you'll meet your jounin sensei. Until then class dismissed!"

I sat up carrying the lunch Kabuto gave me at the special place we created as our meeting place so we can talk in private without neighbors hearing.

"Hey, Katsumi you want to have lunch together?" Kameko asked.

"Sure," I said.


We were now sitting next to a cherry blossom tree eating our lunch. My lunch was rice and sushi made by Kabuto.

"Katsumi and Benjiro. What do you think this Reika-sensei will be like?" Kameko asked.

"I think I might have heard her name mentioned once by my older brother I think they were the academy together," Benjiro said.

"If you have an older brother why are you next to lead the clan?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know what happened but one day he was acting differently. He left the village when I was seven and haven't seen him since," Benjiro replied.

'Interesting I need to talk to father and see if there was a member of the Tokage clan in the Bingo book.'

"I do remember coming over for lunch and your brother was acting stranger than the day before," Kameko said.

"Yeah well, enough about my older brother," Benjiro said. "Anyway let's go it almost time to meet our team sensei."

Benjiro and Kameko both stood up picking up their trash and throwing it away, before heading in the direction of the academy.

"Right coming," I said throwing away my trash and following after my two teammates.


I was sitting in the classroom next to Benjiro and Kameko waiting for our sensei. Along with the other team's that we're created out of all the students who graduated from the academy.

I rested my hand on my cheek as I watched sensei cone in and leave with their students. Soon it was only my team and team seven left waiting in the room.

"Team eleven," I heard a female voice said.

I looked to see a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a black jacket-looking shirt that looked like a jacket and brown pants.


Hey readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this story.

A/N: The picture above is the team picture of team eleven. I just created a new picture once and got a picture of the team sensei from Gojou_Satoru_wife69 since the sensei is an Oc belonging to them. They suggested there Oc as the sensei so I went ahead and made them the sensei.

Also, it looks like the love triangle between Neji and Naruto with her ending up with Neji is in the lead. You still have time to vote I probably won't start working on romance for a little while still think it a little too early.


1. What was your favorite part of this chapter?

2. What do you think made Benjiro's brother change?

3. Who do you hope Katsumi will end up with, and when do think the romance should start building up?

Thanks for reading!

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