Chapter 9: Graduation

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(A/N: This chapter was written by the Co-author HokageOrochimaru23Also known as Keiko the older Yashagoro twin )

The picture above is Katsumi's new look. I hope you all enjoy her new appearance.

Katsumi's P.O.V 

Five years have passed since I arrived at the Village Hidden in the Leafs. I have grown in strength every day, and my appearance had changed over the years. I did my best to lay low in class, but it got hard too since my personality has changed over the years. During my stay in the village, I only focused on talking with the clan head's children learning useful information to help my father with the invasion.  During the years I made more a friendship with Benjiro and Kameko than I have with the other kids.

Kabuto would come and visit every once in a while to check on me and my progress on the mission. He would also come and help me with my medical ninjutsu training. Finally, it was almost time for me to graduate from the academy which meant the mission would come to an end soon once the chunin exams.  Which I was looking forward to since this place was very boring compare to back home with father, Kabuto, and the Sound four.

I got out of bed ready to start the day. Today was the second to last day until the graduation exam, which I was looking forward to. I looked into the mirror at my long silky blonde hair and a blue diamond marking on my forehead. My hair was longer than it was before; it used to go down to my back, but now it goes almost down to my hips. The marking on my forehead Kabuto told me it the same marking my mother has on her forehead.

I grabbed a long sleeve dark purple shirt and put it on with a teal jacket on top that I was going to swap out with a darker color jacket at some point. I then put on some black ANBU style pants and put on the new pair of earrings father sent me with the messenger snake he sent replying to my most recent message.

I put on my black ninja shoes and walked out of my apartment building. As I was walking to the Academy, I noticed that the Hokage mountain had paint all over the faces of the Hokage. I shook my head knowing that Naruto was responsible for that. Since he seems to be a big fan of pranks.

I arrived at the classroom and sat in the seat next to Kameko and Benjiro.

"Hey Katsumi," Kameko and Benjiro greeted at the same time.

"Hi," I greeted back.

I then looked straight ahead as other students arrived in the classroom. I was getting eager for this day to start, so we are even closer to graduation, and I could actually do real missions and show my true skill because keeping a low profile was getting boring, and keeping my cover was more difficult.

As it got closer to the time for class to start. I noticed that Iruka-sensei was nowhere to be seen.  After five minutes after Iruka-sensei arrived with a tied-up Naruto dropping him in front of the class.

"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto! You failed the graduation exam twice and tomorrow you have another chance, but you're already messing up. Since you missed it everyone is going to review the transformation justu."

The class groaned and glared at Naruto for having to review the transformation justu. My classmates and I formed a line at the front and I watched as my classmates transformed into our sensei. I shook my head as a certain pink hair girl named Sakura got excited about accomplishing the transformation justu.

"Sasuke, did you see that!" She exclaimed.

Sasuke only ignored her and walked upfront since it was his turn. He transformed with ease into Iruka-sensei. He then transforms back to normal and got back in line, and he happened to be In front of me. 

"Katsumi Senju," Iruka-sensei said.

I walked up to the front silently doing the proper hand signs. Wanting to show off a little. I decided to transform into the second hokage who I saw pictures of during history lessons with my father.

"Wow Katsumi," Iruka-sensei said impress with my transformation.

Naruto went next and transform into a naked woman with a cloud cover certain parts. I shook my head at his foolish behavior as Iruka-sensei scolded him.


I was in my talking to Kabuto who decided to visit me this evening.

"So your graduation exam Is tomorrow?" He questioned emerging through the open window with the moonlight shining on him.

"Yes, which means my mission should be reaching an end soon," I stated turning towards him.

"Yes, your messages have very helpful with his plan," Kabuto said adjusted his glasses back to the bridge of his nose as the moonlight shined off them.

"That's good so he doing ok?"

"He doing fine, he'll need a new body soon in about a year. Hopefully, we have his next vessel soon."

"That's good he is doing fine."

"Yes, it is. I better get going before your neighbors notices you talking to some."

"Right," I said as Kabuto left in a poof of smoke.


-The next day-

"To graduate, you'll have to do the clone justu. When you are called come to the next room," Iruka explained.

One by one everyone people was called into the next room. I felt most people were going to pass, except for maybe Naruto. For as long as I been in the academy. I could tell he not that smart.

"Katsumi Senju," I heard Iruka-sensei called out.

I stood up and walked into the next room.

"Alright Katsumi, you just need to create three clones," Iruka-sensei said who was seated next to a white-haired man at a table.

I nodded my head and performed a hand sign. I created three clones that appeared right next to me.

"Excellent! You may grab a headband."

I walked up to the table and grabbed a red headband tieing it around my forehead covering up my diamond mark.

I walked outside the Academy and saw the graduates outside talking with their friends and family. I looked to bee Naruto sitting on the swing without a headband.

'So he didn't pass after all. I had a feeling he wasn't going to.' I thought walking off in the direction of my apartment.


Hey readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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1. What was your favorite part of this chapter?

2. Who are you hoping she ends up with?

3. What your favorite part of the story plot?

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