Chapter 5 : Katsumi's mission

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(A/N: This chapter was written by the Co-author HokageOrochimaru.)

Three Years Later

Katsumi's P.O.V

I was in my room reading a book when a knock was heard on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I called out closing my book after marking my spot with my bookmark.

The door opened to reveal big brother Kabuto who was now 13 years old. While I was now 7 years old.

"Hey, big brother Kabuto what bring you here?" I asked.

"Your father has summoned you to his office," Big brother Kabuto replied.

"Did he say what he wanted to see me for?" I asked. " I thought that my training was done for the day," I said.

"No, he didn't say just that it was important," Big brother Kabuto said.

"Alright I head to his office right now," I said standing up from my seat at my desk where I was reading my book.

"Okay," Kabuto said walking away and closing the door to my bedroom.

I place my book down on my desk then head to my door and walked out of my room to head to my father's office and see what he wants.


When I arrived at my father's office and knocked on his door.

"Come in," I heard the familiar silky voice of my father from the other side of the door.

I open the door to see my father sitting at his desk looking at a scroll sitting on his desk.

"You summoned me, father?" I asked walking over towards his desk.

"Yes my viper I have a mission for you," Father replied.

"Really I'm going on my first mission?"


"What kind of mission is it?"

"You know how I have been planning to destroy the leaf village?"


"Well for your mission I want you to go to the leaf village and gather as much information you can to help with the invasion."

"Isn't Kabuto already a spy in the Leaf village getting information on the village?"

"Yes, but he getting information on specific ninja for me. I want you to gather information on security and anything else that will be useful. Whenever you find anything useful send me a message using one of your snakes."

"I understand father, " I said bowing.

"You being a kid they won't suspect you as a spy and if that ask why your there just say you came there looking for a place to live. That you grew up in the Hidden grass village alone and was hoping to start a life here and make friends."

"I got it we do I leave for my mission?"

"You leave tonight Kabuto will help you pack what you will need for your mission."

"I understand I head to my room and get ready for my mission, " I said walking over to the door.

"I send Kabuto to your room to help you pack until then sort out the clothes you're going to take with you," Father said.

I nodded and walked out of his office to head to my room and getting ready to leave for my mission tonight.

I was in my room looking through my dresser to see what clothes to take and how many will be good. Of course, I will have to buy more when I get too big for them.

I then heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said while sorting the clothes I pulled out of my dresser.

The door opened to reveal big brother Kabuto.

"Hey Kabuto," I greeted.

"Hey, I heard you're going on your first mission," kabuto said walking inside the room and closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, I am."

'Well then let's get you nice and pack so you are ready to go," Kabuto said over towards me so he can help me pack for my mission to the Hidden Leaf village.


After serval hours of packing my bag with clothes, ninja tools, scrolls to send messages to father, my snake plush that helps me sleep after having a nightmare.

I was not outside the hideout getting ready to leave for my mission.

"I guess this is bye for now father. I'm going to miss you," I said hugging my father.

"I will miss you to my beautiful viper, but as I see you when it's time for the invasion, and then you will get to come back home my child," Father said hugging me back.

"I just hope this mission doesn't take too long because I'm going to miss training and spending time with father.'

"I know but I still going to miss you."

"Hey don't worry if you need anything you will have Kabuto he be in the village also. I summoned him back because I wanted him to be here for your first mission," Father said.

"Lord Orochimaru right you still have me around to mess with, when I'm not busy of course," Kabuto said.

"Right," I said hugging Kabuto since I don't know how often I see him since he will be busy working as father's main spy.

"Well you better get going," Father said.

"Yeah you right," I said ending my hug with Kabuto. "I will be going now I see when it's time for the invasion," I said waving bye as I began to walk away.

"Yes see you then take care, and remember what to tell them if they ask why you are there," Father said.

" Tell them that I came there looking for a place to live. That I grew up in the Hidden grass village alone and was hoping to start a life here and make friends."

"Good you remember," Father said.

"Bye, father and Kabuto," I said walking off ready to start my journey to the Leaf village.


Hey readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this story.


1. What was your favorite part of this chapter?

2. How do you think Katsumi's mission will go?

3. Who excited that we are finally getting into the main story plot?

Thanks for reading!

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