Brokenhearted Memories

Start from the beginning

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Ruby eyes fluttered open, blurry with tears that slipped down his cheeks. He could almost feel the gentle touch wiping them away, silently begging him to be ok, to let it all out and seek comfort in an embrace that was always open for him. He jumped a bit as he turned to the side to be met with a pair of sapphire blues. For a second, he thought he was still dreaming with Otto right beside him before he realized that there were two blues, no purple. "Hey Luddy." Gilbert said softly, wiping away his tears.

"Are you ok?" The German asked, worry painting his features. "I heard you crying out in your sleep for someone.. Someone named Otto..?" The sad look that bloomed in Gilbert's eyes was almost more than Ludwig could take. He'd seen that look before, very few times but the pain of it was etched into his memory. Heartbreak; the feeling of complete and utter loss. "Do you want to talk about it..?" He asked quietly, running his fingers through his blonde locks to push them out of his face.

Gilbert paused for a moment, thinking if he actually wanted to. He'd never mentioned Otto to anyone. It was too painful. He didn't want it to hurt anymore but he didn't want to forget the man he'd loved so dearly. "Ok. Ok, I'll tell you about him... just.." He sighed a bit, trying to figure out what he was going to say. "Don't press for anything..?"

Ludwig nodded, gently taking his brother's hand in his own. "Of course. You don't need to tell me anything you don't want to. Take all the time you need, I can wait." The German assured him, voice trembling with the emotion he tried to hide. "I'm right here for you, ok? You're not alone." His thumb gently trailed over Gilbert's knuckles, running over every distinct bone from years of starvation.

"Ok.. Ok, I just... I need a minute." Gilbert looked down a bit, somewhat scared to drag up old memories. "Otto is.. was... Otto was someone who was part of my troops in the war.. in World War II..." A deep shudder pushed its way through him, picking at his nerves and sending a chilling feeling through his body as he began to remember.. Began to remember the horrible things they'd done to him and the person he loved only because they were of the same gender. They'd done nothing wrong, only wished to spend the rest of their lives together. Gilbert could feel the deep ache settling in his chest, gripping his heart in grief's cold, shattering grip.

. . .

A scream yanked him out of the relief of unconsciousness, forcing the deep red eyes to open and focus on his boyfriend, curled in on himself with a few cuts and some bruises. The blonde had been stripped of his shirt and pants, leaving him in just his undergarments. Fury boiled in Gilbert's gut and he tried to get up and rush over only to find he was tied down to a chair. 'No.. No, no, this isn't happening.' His breath sped up in fear as he saw soldiers enter the room. Eight soldiers. His head was still spinning from getting knocked out but he managed a sharp glare at the people who entered.

They walked over to Otto, joining the four already there. One of the ones who seemed to be in charge grabbed Otto by his hair, pulling his head up hard and drawing a quiet cry of pain from him. "Get away from him!!" Gilbert screamed, furious, his heart twisting in his chest as the general laughed in amusement. It was in that moment he realized that he wouldn't be getting out of here without seeing exactly what they did to Otto. He closed his eyes and braced himself.

. . .

It had been nearly an entire week before the soldiers were done with Otto, leaving him bleeding to death on the floor in a steadily growing pool of his own blood. Gilbert was released from his binds and he immediately threw himself over to Otto, gently, slowly picking him up and holding him close. "Hey, hey, Otto. Look at me. Can you look at me?" He asked, voice dry and harsh, barely over a whisper and choked with the tears that had been falling almost nonstop the entire time, drawn out by Otto's cries of pain, begging and screaming for Gilbert to help him, to save him from all the things being done to him.

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