He rubbed the rag against the leather, decided it was clean enough and looked for the next bit. Only one piece remained in the pile of uncleaned things - some kind of bundle of leather bands he didn't quite know what it was. He picked it up, rubbed it clean and put it in the pile of cleaned things. The rag went back in its box. Done.

One day he'd know what all these things were called and what to do with them, but right now he didn't care. Right now they were just mysterious pieces of leather and brass that somehow attached to a horse.

He wanted his bed.

Enar shivered and looked out of the barn. If he strained his eyes he could see the loading bay of the cider-house, and a whole lot of rain. He could still see the rain, even without squinting. It was hard to miss - it was everywhere. Stupid rain.

He sighed and then startled at a strange noise in the stables behind him. Twisting around he saw hay falling down from a hole in the roof above the far end of Sofie's box. He heard Amanda yell something, but not what. It didn't sound like she was in danger and it was probably for the horse anyway,

Letting out a long, tired, breath, he put his hands in his pockets, but his jeans were still soaked and it wasn't comfortable so he crossed his arms over his chest instead. That also wasn't comfortable. His shirt was still damp.

Everything was damp and cold and uncomfortable and now it was dark too and the rain wouldn't stop, ever, and really, he just wanted to go to bed.

The ladder creaked behind him and he turned to see Amanda coming back down.

"How does it look up there?"

She hopped down on the ground, skipping the last two rungs. "What do you mean? It looks fine. Why?"

"Nothing, just wondering. You'll be okay sleeping up there?"

Amanda turned to the big chest by the wall next to the ladder. She moved the basket on top of it down on the ground and hung the blankets over the wall.

"Yeah." She shrugged and lifted up the lid of the chest. "Sure. I'll be fine."

He nodded. "Okay... Just checking."

She dropped the lid and the chest slammed shut. "Bah! I was hoping I'd find some carrots or something for Sofie."

Grumbling to herself, Amanda leaned against the edge of the chest. She crossed her arms over her chest and stretched her legs out in front of her; her bare legs - pale hips and furry calves and all.

Enar swallowed and turned around, looking at the rain and the cart still standing halfway outside the barn. "Should we pull the cart inside?"

"If you want. It's not needed. It can stand where it is. Easier to push it out in the morning."

"You'll stay the night then?" He put his hand on his hips and stared out into the darkness.

"Yeah." She sighed. "Not much else to do. Not gonna drive back in this."

He pulled at his shirt. Still damp. Still cold. Still clinging to his chest. "We got caught out didn't we, by the rain I mean? Otter was right."

"Yeah." Amanda laughed a wry little laugh. "For sure. For sure."

Enar took a deep breath and swallowed. "Look... I know what you said and all, but I really do appreciate it." He paused and shivered. "Thanks a lot for getting me this far. I'd still be out there if you hadn't."

"It's okay." She paused, didn't say anything for a moment and then coughed. "You're welcome."

A puddle had formed behind the cart where a steady stream of water ran off of it in the back. Enar's thoughts went to the waterfall he'd seen the other day, when out walking with Bolvar, before he got to that old tree and before he met Amanda. It seemed a lifetime away now - a different life.

"I'll have a word with Neta," he said. "I'm sure she'll pass you my number if I ask."

"You're off then?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "Might as well. It's not gonna stop anytime soon."

He caught movement in the corner of his eye and turned to find Amanda coming up to stand beside him. She glance up at him for a moment, and then she too stared out at the rain.

"Mmm..." Amanda crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself. "You'll be okay out there? It's pretty dark."

Enar swallowed. "I'll be fine." He scratched his neck and the chill in his belly had nothing to do with his wet clothes. He'd get so lost. "It's not that bad."

"You're a lousy liar Enar." Amanda grinned and bumped her shoulder against him. "You could take the lantern. Beired can bring it back later."

He glanced over at her. "You sure?" That would be so great. If he had a light he could do it. It changed everything. He wouldn't be fumbling through the darkness - he'd light his way home through the storm. His belly fluttered with relief and excitement. He'd get back. He'd get his bed.

He'd be safe.

"Yeah." Amanda nodded and gestured back towards the ladder by the chest. "I just have to climb up to the loft and fall asleep. I don't need a light for that."

Enar glanced over at the ladder. She could climb up before he left even, and in the morning it would be light again. "Are you absolutely certain? It would be a great help."

"Yeah." She flashed him a smile. "No problem at all. I'll go get it."

They both stood still for a moment, looking at the rain, watching it fall. Eventually, Amanda swallowed and turned around, heading for the lantern where it hung in the middle of the barn.

Soon, they'd part - say goodbye. He wouldn't give her a hug. His clothes where still too wet, and she didn't have anything else to change into. She'd probably try, but he'd say no. He'd be strong. They'd say their goodbyes, and he'd hold the lamp while she climbed the ladder and then he'd head out.

Then. The'd be home. Warm bed. Dry clothes. Tea.

It wasn't that far to walk. He'd done it before. He knew the way.

Questions - Chapter 43

These questions are meant to be answered from memory, based on your first impressions of the chapter. Please do not check back or re-read the chapter before answering.

These questions aren't meant to test if you've paid attention, they're meant to test what kind of impression the story has made on you. As such, any answer is a good answer. If your answer doesn't match with my intention for the story, then it's the fault of my writing, not your fault for not picking up on everything.

Please also bear in mind that some questions may be referring to things mentioned in previous chapters.

Do you feel that this chapter furthered the story, or could it have been skipped, completely or in parts?

Was something in this chapter unclear? If so, was it in a negative or in a positive way?

How do you feel?

What do you expect will happen next?

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