Chapter 31

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This is a beta version of Enar's Vacation. Changes can - and probably will - be made as a result of reader feedback. I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope you'll take the time to give me some feedback. It will help me make this story the best it can be.


Enar turned to face the sun, and the million living greens of spring welcomed him to the Storvak Gardens.

His heart beat faster, and he forgot to breathe, as his eyes drank in the view. Level after level of terraced lawn spread out before him, all the way down to the water's edge.

The whole layout of the garden - paths and flowerbeds, canals and waterfalls, even the curving of the terraces themselves - centered on a small island just off the edge of the lake. That must be where the shrine was. Every line in the entire garden pulled his eyes to that one point. A small white bridge connected the island with the garden itself, and where the bridge met land, paths lead out in all directions.

He must go there.

Enar blinked and remembered to breathe.

With the breath came the smells, and maybe, just maybe, he ought to sit down and take it easy, before it all got to his head and he fell over. He closed his eyes and let the flowers fill his nose and mind - more numerous than he could ever know or name. If he died here, he'd die happy.

He opened his eyes again, put his hands on his hips and shook his head. Definitely worth the walk. He'd move out here, become a gardener, and live happily ever after.

"First time here?" came a woman's voice from somewhere to his right.

"Yes." He nodded, but didn't take his eyes off the view. The voice had held no urgency.

"I'm glad you made it. It'll do you good."

He nodded again. "Yes. Yes, I think it will."

Enar turned to look at the woman. Tall and round, with her head shaved clean, and dressed in a dirty purple robe she stood on her knees by a flowerbed a little off to the side.

She raised a hand and waved at him. "Welcome to Storvak. I'm Lilac."

"Good morning Lilac. I'm Enar. Enar Ryebloom." He bowed his head. "I'm happy to be here. Thank you for the welcome."

"Everyone's welcome here. You just have to find your way." She smiled up at him from where she sat - hands covered with dirt, and a wickerwork basket full of weeds at her side.

"I just wish I'd come earlier. It's so beautiful here."

"Finding a reason is part of finding the way. What's yours?"

"My reason? Well..." Enar's cheek warmed a little. "Actually, I'm looking for someone. Her name's Amanda. She's got red hair - very red... she's supposed to be staying here."

"Is that so..." Lilac looked at him and nodded. "Is that so..."

"Yes. Do you know if she's here?"

"No Enar. I don't know if she's here." She groaned and got to her feet. "But if you come with me I'll take you to the Storvaks themselves. They'll know."

As she walked around the flowerbed and approached him he realized she was older than he'd first thought - by decades. Her skin had been worn rough by weather and wind, but her smile held joy and energy. Enar looked up at her. She stood nearly a head taller than him, and broader of shoulder too.

"Thank you," he said.

"Don't mention it. I was hoping for an excuse to stretch these old legs anyway. You saved me making something up." She started walking, and waved for him to follow. "Come."

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