38 |﴾ A Futile Being ﴿

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The door to Draco's bedroom slammed open early in the following morning causing us both to panic and back up against the headboard with the sheets up high. I was in one of his expensive long sleeved shirts and he was completely shirtless. Narcissa walked in rapidly and her acuminous eyes shot to us with immediate judgment. "I thought I would find you in my son's quarters," she brusquely pointed out, dipping her eyes at me like lasers as though I was some kind of prostitute for being there. Up until that point, neither of his hostile parents had bothered to check if we were sleeping together and I shrunk against him, fearing the worst of punishments.

Draco stiffened, looking between me and his mother, defensively, "It's no shock to you exactly why we are getting married; you should probably accustom yourself to us sharing a room. What could possibly warrant this terrorist attack?" He ran a hand through his messy hair in aggravation.

Narcissa clasped her hands the way she always did when she was about to be stern. She walked to the edge of the bed with narrowed eyes and her chin held high, "I am here to collect Madeleine for what I have already explained is a dress fitting this morning. And what, pray tell, is this odd item around your neck?" Her fingers flew out rapidly to lift the glowing rock up with curiosity.

Draco looked up at his mother with low eyebrows and a deep scowl. She turned the rock over and her diamond eyes brightened much the way his did in it's ambiance, "How precious. A Moonstone, if my magical geography serves me correct. Worn for millennia by the Veela, isn't that right Madeleine?"

I swallowed nervously, wondering if she was taking note of it's darkening color absorbing his Death Eater energies. "Congratulations, you passed the class," he remarked rudely and pulled the chain to retract the stone into his hand protectively.

Her eyes flared dangerously at me for a split second before she backed away towards the door, "I'll be just outside Madeleine. Do not make me wait long."

When the door shut I flew out of the bed and threw his shirt off, then ran in my underwear to my bag. "You should make her wait - this is unbelievably insulting," Draco drawled from where he had lied back down with his hands on his face. I ignored him in my panic, and ripped on a black dress I knew she would appreciate. I brushed my hair out painfully quickly, then ran and brushed my teeth. I kissed him before I was out the door, wildly shrugging on my lavender coat.

She looked down at the color with repugnance, but I didn't exactly own a black coat at that point to please her with. She had drifted a few meters down the hallway, and she shocked me by floating towards me like a ghost and clamping her hand down on my forearm. She disapparated me without any warning and I stumbled against the dirty bricks of a back alley in Diagon.

"Come, Madeleine," she curtly instructed and I tried to stick close to her autocratic form in the insanely creepy corridor. Filthy people were scavenging around on the ground and leaning against the dark store fronts threateningly. One man in particular had large, rat like teeth and kept sniffing at the side of his clenched fist. I had the distinct sense that people had lost their lives in that alleyway, but Narcissa didn't seemed fazed at all. She gracefully wove her way around any suspicious characters with a derisive jeer that could turn water to ice.

She stopped at a more kempt storefront with huge glowing lanterns all within the window panes so that one could not see further past. I pushed my nose against the glass to peer inside with no luck. The store front read Madame Laguzzini in silver lettering. Narcissa stepped back out of the door and tugged me away from the glass with an aghast expression at my silly behavior.

Inside it was musty but generally clean. The lanterns were absolutely everywhere, all hung from the ceilings and walls at differing heights as though electricity were a still distant forethought. It was a massive bonfire waiting to erupt. The walls were all mirrors tilted at slight angles and bundles of dark, extravagant and highly valuable clothing were distributed around the room for sale. Due to the volume of illegal materials I quickly realized why it was located so deep into the forgotten bowls of Diagon.

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