33 | ﴾ Validate Me ﴿

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During my spare timeslot I went to Trelawaney's Divination tower, hoping she would speak with me regarding the horrible visions or nightmares so I could gain a better perspective of what was happening to me. I was completely out of breath by the time I had reached the top of the hundreds of stairs, regretting having lugged all of my books with me.

I poked my head inside and was dismayed to see that she was in the middle of teaching a third year class. They were all at their desks in pairs with crystal balls before them. Trelawney was wandering around in her typical fidgety state, staring silently over the backs of creeped out thirteen year old's.

When she noticed me lingering in the doorway her arm outstretched to me, the many rings on her fingers glittering in the afternoon sunshine, "Ah! Ah! You-you're not a third year my dear girl, whatever are you doing in my classroom?" She swirled over to me drawing attention from already bored kids, her many layers of unusual clothing flittering about her tall, thin frame.

I glanced up into her thick spectacles which magnified her crossed eyes in a fish-bowl effect. "I was 'oping dat I could talk to you, about some things I 'ave been seeing," I said under my breath, trying to ignore the many stares my visit had procured from around the room.

Trelawney blinked at me as though I had just smacked her, "From the beyond?"

I scratched the back of my neck where the Bequeathment mark had suddenly decided to lash out and burn me, "Perhaps? At least, in my sleep. I am seeing things from dis world dat I can't explain. Possibly from de future."

As I spoke she was letting out odd squeaks and sounds, quivering with every single word I said as though it were life threatening information. It was terribly distracting. Her hands outstretched and her shaky fingers ran all over my face. I shut my eyes harshly to avoid being blinded by one of her huge, sharp nails.

"My dear, you have a very strange energy emanating from you. You are in between two worlds on many levels; the concept of a great divide is creating copies of itself in your life. You will reach many forks in your path ahead." She drew out her mystic words in dark and raspy blurts and I frowned at the cryptic response.

"Hmmm," I murmured, wishing she would return to the dreams topic, "And... de nightmares? Could I possibly be seeing prophetically?"

"Bah!" She cried, stepping dramatically away from me. She pointed a twisted finger in my direction, "You are on a path of evil, child."

Every single person in the room was now watching the display with interest. I nervously shifted my weight. "I am not evil," I said in a tiny voice.

The professor shook her head rapidly, her bushy hair flopped emphatically. "Not yet, not yet. But recall, very few in this world are Seer's. Don't flatter yourself with the notion that you could be one simply based on having nightmares. Be gone," she waved her hand to shoo me out the long aisle towards the exit and I spun and left, feeling offended and dismissed.

I ran down the precarious stairwell which, for whatever reason, lacked a safety railing. At any moment one could simply step off a thin tread and fall several floors downwards and end up dying in a way that would render them unrecognizable.

At the bottom of the ridiculous stairs I was flanked by Draco who had been waiting at the edge. He showed no problem keeping up with me on my hasty way down to the dungeons.

"I thought you 'ave Arithmancy," I jabbed at him.

"I skipped. Did you go to Trelawney then?" he inquired. He was walking so closely to me that his hand kept brushing mine as we strode.

"Obviously, and she was completely useless," I quipped, feeling a fresh wave of irritation flow through me.

"Figured she would laugh in your face," he said, sounding relieved that I hadn't been able to get any answers on my dark lord premonitions.

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