Around the edge of the lawn, most of the rocks had flat, smooth, surfaces, creating natural seats and benches. Enar picked one where he could keep an eye on the bridge and the gardens as well as on the lake, and with his back to the swans.

As he sat down he experienced, with some satisfaction, how the sun had been shining on the rock all day. He smiled to himself. Sure, he was still single, but at least he sat warm, and that was kind of nice too.

Enar looked over at the blue crystal ball. It hadn't shown him anything he didn't already know, but perhaps that was the point. Maybe he should stop worrying and just enjoy the moment. After all, he was nice, warm, and comfortable, and the entire afternoon lay before him. Maybe he should take a bath.

He blinked. Twice. Where had that thought come from? He should take a nap. That would be the proper, respectable fylk, kind of thing to do. He should lie down in the grass, put his hands under his head and sleep the afternoon away. His mom would have approved of that.

He might miss Amanda though. What if she decided not to wake him up? What if she did? Awkward. No, he wouldn't nap...

Still, a bath would be nice. He hadn't really swum in a real lake before. The pond in the park where he'd splashed around as a kid didn't count, and neither did Lake Viller - too big.

This was something else: a real forest lake, naturally nestled between hills in the forest. Anna would surely approve. He could even go skinny dipping - just as long as he made sure no one saw him.

Sunlight warmed his face, and he relaxed and closed his eyes. Nice and warm. He didn't need a towel. The sun would dry the water from his naked body. He'd sip a drink on the beach - white sand and blue ocean as far as the eye could see. The sound of the waves. A salty breeze. Girls in swimsuits. Laughter.

Enar jerked awake. He blinked twice and rubbed at his eyes. Still alone by the shrine. Yawning, he stood up and stretched his arms. A nap would be nice, but, well, not now. He could nap another time.

Something Lilac had said came back to him. Something about taking the opportunity when it presented itself - or something like that. Well, he would follow her advice. He had an opportunity to go skinny dipping in a real countryside lake, and that was exactly what he would do.

So what if Amanda showed up? He was no prude, he could handle it. He'd probably be done before she was back anyway. They'd said she'd be a while, right?

The water lapped at his feet. This was a good spot. Here, on the far side of the island, no one in the garden could see him. He'd hear it if someone came across the bridge, and even then the rocks and thorns would hide him from anyone up at the shrine. No one would bother him here.

Sitting down on a rock, he dangled his feet in the water, just like earlier in the morning. The hair on his feet and ankles, short as it was, stood on end, and swayed with the motion. He smiled to himself and kicked at the water, making big splashes and getting his shirt and jeans wet.

Enar laughed where he sat in the sun, on the rock, on the island in the lake, with his feet in the water. He undid the top button on his shirt and began to whistle - a summer hit from his childhood.

How did it go again? What was it called? They'd done an a cappella version of it with the university choir even. He should know. He remembered the chorus at least. "Blinded, blinded," he sang. "Blinded by the smile in your light." No, that wasn't right. "Blinded, blinded..." Maybe he didn't quite remember the chorus after all.

He hummed along with the melody instead. In the choir he'd been a baritone. He had good voice. Rocking gently back and forth he closed his eyes and smiled at the sun again. Still humming to himself, he unbuttoned the rest of the buttons, one by one.

Enar's Vacation - Open BetaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang