Hold on

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No one's POV:

Ever since his visit to the hospital, Incineroar felt he was in a complete blur. Glaceon told him everything of what she saw on the night of the sleepover and no more than a minute did Incineroar wait to check the attic. Once he got up there, Incineroar thought nothing of it but first noticed the large cardboard with the ripped up blanket and the plushies of both him and Primarina almost on the edge of the box from the last time Decidueye left them. He slowly walked over and nearly fell to his knees while picking up the plush toy of himself from the box's edge. He wanted to blush that Decidueye must've felt the same feelings for him, but only tears left his eyes. He dug out the Primarina plush toy and the ragged blanket and found nothing else that Decidueye had inside, other than another pill bottle, the same one that he and Primarina found out about. He now knew that Decidueye was the culprit but was surprised at first glance when the nurses told him with additional information. He kept walking around the old room until he almost didn't notice a bloody kitchen knife on the floor, he knew it was Decidueye's blood on the blade. He didn't find anything else other than two to three more pill bottles in the room before leaving and getting a lock to lock it with a code on it, that he will know only. He took the two plushies up to Decidueye's room and placed them right on the pillow. Incineroar recycled the pill bottles immediately after that and sat in silence on the couch for a little while until everyone else could come home to see him sulking. However, after about an hour, Primarina was the only one that came home.

"Incineroar? A-are you okay?" Primarina asked while locking the front door and going over to sit next to Incineroar.

"I'm fine...." Incineroar mumbled while keeping his vision straight at the floor and his hands into slightly tight fists.

"No you're not, I know you're not because you stayed completely quiet since the hospital. You were so quiet that you didn't even tell us what they said before about Decidueye."

"Well....the only thing in a long story short time....Decidueye's mental health is doing slightly worse than his physical health..."

"H-how did they kno-."

"They had psychic type nurses there to help figure the problem..."

"Oh..I forget about them sometimes."

"...he broke almost half his body but the most of the fall was his lower body getting hit, only the somewhat rest of him, but his head might be since they found bleeding..." Incineroar said while shaking a little.

"Oh Incineroar.." Primarina said while immediately bringing Incineroar into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry, Decidueye is strong and he'll survive this." Primarina reassured Incineroar while sort of unsure herself.

"H-how the f**k can h-he survive after that!?!? He also was super underweight and barely anything to keep him up!"

"I-I didn't know he was suffering this long and it's my fault for not finding out sooner!!!"

"Incineroar calm down, try to have some hope. He might be able to come home in a few weeks or so." Primarina tries to comfort Incineroar.

Incineroar then stayed silent while remembering the day he confessed his feeling to Decidueye. He wanted to have hope but only worry clouded his mind if his crush didn't make it back alive. He knew that most of the fall was taken towards his head and legs, it wouldn't have made much damage anyway but Decidueye also nearly drowned in the seas, god it must've been on the cold side too. Primarina, however, felt the same way about Decidueye's health and thought that they might lose him for good in the rearing future if there wouldn't be anything the doctors could do. The worst part of finding out about Decidueye's depression, crushed Primarina the most because if this was the final try of ending it all, she could shutter at the thought of him trying out other methods before the cliff. Primarina gave Incineroar a hug of reassurance while trying to save the tears for the night instead until there was a knock at the door.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Where stories live. Discover now