Don't Jump!

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Incineroar's POV:

Everyone piled in on a huge group as we ran as fast as our legs could run to the speed boats at the dock. So much was going through my mind and felt like it going to shut off and leave me hanging inside from the realization that Decidueye was doing this.

"Glaceon! You said that there is more to this didn't you?" I shouted to Glaceon as we ran close.

"Yeah! I smelt out a pill thingy on the ground right after Decidueye took off on his own. It had his scent! That's when we figured he was up to something that we never knew till now!!" Glaceon yelled back to me while having Kirlia on her back.

"Oh for Arceus sake!! Tell me you're joking about the pill!!"

"No!! Incineroar no!! I would never joke like that!!"

"Plus!! We saw Decidueye shaking a little bit and slightly pale to the face too!!! So we know he's hiding something!!" Kirlia tagged along.

"Oh for f**k sake!! Why Decidueye why!!!!" I screamed as I try to hold back my crying as we managed to get to the speed boats.

"We taken one or tw-."

"One! It doesn't matter!! We just gotta go!!" I shouted to Zoroark.

We managed to get a speed boat rented real fast and I started up the engine with the key it came with. I put the speed on full and immediately sped off with some of the girls screaming and holding onto each other for dear life.

"Incineroar!! Cool it on the gas!!" Primarina screamed while holding onto Zoroark's tail.

"I'm sorry!! But we can't slow down!"

I didn't know why I was going so fast but I drove right to the nearest shore that was the closest to Mount Lanakila. I bet Decidueye could've been there already since he might've gotten a head start, from what Kirlia and Glaceon said. My heart felt like it were to split up out of my chest from thinking of what Decidueye might do if we are too late to get to him.

*Hang on Deci!! We're coming!! Please don't be up there!!* I said to myself in my head, praying to Arceus that Decidueye would still be unharmed.

Ten minutes later,

No one's POV:

Once the dock was two inches from the shore not even close to the shore, Incineroar immediately jumped out and then came everyone else going after him to wait for them. Incineroar couldn't wait for anything, the only thing he's waiting for is for Decidueye to jump and kill himself from the fall. He immediately realized that the elevator up the mountain was on the other side of the mountain so he had to climb at the best rapid speed he could.

"Should I go get an ambulance if anything happens?" Zoroark asked.

"Yes!! Anything!!" Primarina yelled as she helped Kirlia and Glaceon climb up the mountain.

The group started climbing, but a storm started to pick up from the midline of the mountain. It was getting harder and harder for them to keep up but Incineroar manages to find a flat enough ridge so they can run the rest of the way up. However, he took Primarina into his arms, since she doesn't have legs. Glaceon and Kirlia were fine since Kirlia is gonna give Glaceon a break of holding onto some of her weight with her own. Afterwards, the gang got up the ridges of the mountain and trudged up when they tried to run through the cold. The winds were pretty and surprisingly strong for being it at the top, it never were to be this rough on the mountain in months. Before they could reach the top, Incineroar and Primarina immediately bolted ahead with nothing but slightly flat grounds. The two other girls followed close behind them while trying to only squint to see through the windy snow. But when they were running through the winds, they all manage to see Decidueye standing, back facing them and right on the edge of the cliff, almost ready to fall and commit his final mistake. Decidueye's wrists were covered in scratches and bruises, his legs shaking to make the jump but he made them to walk, and his feathers and wings blowing through the color winds that would make Decidueye freeze to death if he stayed too long but he wasn't gonna care anyway.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Where stories live. Discover now