Coming Home

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Two months later,

No one's POV:

Nothing has been the same ever since the two months have passed, possibly might take longer than it should be for Decidueye to come home. Incineroar and Primarina were the most depressed through the time, other than their families especially Decidueye's family, who lived on the outskirts of Ula Ula Island. Kirlia and Glaceon have been staying over at Incineroar and Primarina's place for quite some time just so they wouldn't be alone before Decidueye could come home, that's if something happens when the doctors call. They informed them that if they get a call from Nurse Janet, Nurse Joy's assistant, to tell them some news about Decidueye, either positive or negative news while other doctors in the ER looked after Decidueye. Incineroar sometimes even tried to sneak in again so he can see and check on Decidueye but nearly got caught a couple times and somewhat stopped trying before having to face something bad in the future if he ever tried again, which made him feel even worse. While not being able to see Decidueye a lot, Incineroar has taken the part of getting the house ready as he still had hope inside himself for Decidueye to make it from the hospital. Primarina noticed this and thought as something as a great way to get ready for the blessing to kick in, not negative as Incineroar thought it would be in the future. Thankfully, they didn't find anything else in the attic from before but checked a few times in case there was something wrong. They only checked because they kept hearing a bunch of tiny or medium pitched thuds going on upstairs and no one seemed to be up there, so they just moved some boxes from their places from where they heard the noises and put some of the stuff that overflow the boxes into another set, organized neatly. They didn't hear as much thuds as before but they kept on watch, slightly in fear as well.

It was normal day as always, with Primarina almost dozing off on the couch and Incineroar just up in his room watching TV from there until the phone started to ring from the kitchen. Primarina immediately shot up, as she always did since Decidueye was in the hospital, and picked up the phone with speed and her heart setting for what she was hoping to hear back.

"Hello?" Primarina answered.

"Alola, this is Nurse Janet." The nurse answered with a joyful tone in her voice.

"Oh Alola, Nurse Janet!" Primarina answered back with happiness.

"I have great news Ms. Primarina, and it's something that you might need to come over for."

"Oh, y-yeah. So what is the news?!?" Primarina asked with a nervous tension coming up inside.

"It's Decidueye. He has recovered a little and is able to come home!" Nurse Janet said in a happy tone.

Nothing but a gasp left Primarina's voice but a slight scream of joy after it. Although Decidueye had a small chance of surviving after the incident, he still had a chance of living. However, Primarina tried to keep herself at pace as for Incineroar was upstairs and she didn't want to alarm him with an unexpected scream from the phone. However, she had a different idea instead. The nurse laughed a little on the other end, just a tiny bit startled of Primarina's sudden small scream but she was happy to hear of her, finally getting the message.

"OMG!!! YAY!!! That's amazing!!! Thank you thank you thank you so much for the team taking care of him!! I'll be right over!!" Primarina said after getting it together.

"Alright Ms. Primarina, thank you" Nurse Janet said before hanging up.

Primarina immediately screamed in pure joy once the call was done, which triggered Incineroar from upstairs and running down, worried that Primarina was hurt. However, Primarina reassured him that she was fine and that she had to go get something "important" and she wants it to be a surprise for everyone. She also told him that it might take a bit for her to get back to the house and to invite Glaceon and Kirlia to the house for the night too. Incineroar was in some confusion for the sudden request since they mostly come by just for company but for something seemed to be a big thing. Little did he know that the special something was actually a special someone who he has been longing for a very long time. Primarina rushed to her keys that were hanging on a fridge magnet and got herself outside but before she got into the driver's seat, she opened up a seat in the mid-back of the van and cleared it for some space in just in case. She then started the van up and drove off as if she was on her way to the place of her dreams.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant