"That was a question."

I grit my teeth, walking over to her as quickly as I can without stumbling. "I'm not in the mood. Tell me why you took the file. You already know everything that was in there. None of it was about me."

"I know," She says, heading over to grab some dumbbells. She uses her good hand to get her the fingers of her crippled hand wrapped around a dumbbell, securing it there with cloth. She tests it, just to make the cloth is wrapped around her hand and wrist is tight enough to keep her fists closed, before her free hand grabs the other dumbbell and begins to curl them.

"Then why did you take it?"

Nicole huffs, her face a mixture of annoyance and exasperation. "Singer, why are you acting like this is new? I have to make a report for the A.M.T.B. Just because it's been put on the back burner due to the cure and the threat of the V-Types doesn't mean my bosses are going to not want me to tell them what I've learned while here. It's better I tell them through a report than them try to figure it out themselves by dissecting you."

I scoff. "Don't act like you're doing this for me."

"Who exactly do you think I'm doing this for? Me? They'll find it all out one way or another and sending in a report is the best way for me and you to get out of this unharmed when we go back." Her tone is serious, and I look at her with wide eyes.

"We? Nicole, I'm not going back. I'm married-"

"Do you honestly think I won't drag you and Sam on a plane to America?" She asks, dropping one dumbbell and letting the one wrapped in her weak hand hang. "I made a promise, and I plan to keep it, even if you aren't actually my sister, or mom's kid."

"I am her kid," I hiss, my face twisting into a glare. "But that doesn't really make sense about the report on Feive since that one had nothing to do with me."

Nicole's eyes are dull with annoyance, and she sighs as if I'm some stupid kid who isn't getting the hint. I feel my face grow hot in anger.

"You want to see what I'm doing with Pro. Feive's file?" She jerks her head over to the bag that she left sitting in the corner. "Go look."

I stare at the bag before looking back at her with a raised brow. "You bring it with you to exercise?"

"I bring it with me everywhere. We were trained by the same base, you know. I didn't want you to try to steal it back. Just because you've been here at Abel doesn't mean I'd think you'd forget what you knew. You may have gotten softer, but that doesn't mean you've become stupid. I don't think that lowly of you."

I can't be sure if that last sentence was a joking jab or a true statement. I never can tell with Nicole. She clearly doesn't seem to see me as a sibling, but she hasn't deemed me as useless because she hasn't tried to kill me. And she must care for me somewhat since she believes giving the A.M.T.B. a file on me can keep them from trying to outright dissect me.

And honestly, after what I've been though, I think the A.M.T.B. would try to dissect me, or they'd send me to a lab to do numerous tests and then dissect me. They made me do a lot of things there as a child. I hurt a lot of people and received a lot of hurt in return. I think dissection would be something they'd blink their eyes at and move on. At least, it would be for the Torrencers, maybe not the A.M.T.B.

I walk over to the bag, bending down and trying to make my movements look as smooth as possible so Nicole won't notice something's off. I grab the file from her bag, my fingers feeling weak as I pick it up. Leaning against the wall behind me, I open the file. I see the same typed words as before about Feive, but down at the bottom are different scribbles.

To Be A WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now