☆Chapter 1☆

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☆Pink Diamond?!☆

Steven's POV

Did Blue Diamond did just me Pink? Like, Pink Diamond?! How could they mistake me for Pink Diamond? When the robonoid scanned my gem, didn't the results show up on the screen? So they must know that I have a rose quartz gem, not a pink diamond. Unless, I actually have a pink diamond instead of a rose quartz!

That would make sense as to why they think I'm Pink Diamond. But that also doesn't make sense! My mom was Rose Quartz, so I should have a rose quartz gem, right?

3rd Person Pov

Steven started to speak.


"Pink! Why did you let us believe you were shattered! Why did you turn yourself in as Rose Quartz?! What were you doing on Earth?! And what's with that disguise?" Yellow Diamond rambled. Steven wished he could answer her, but he had no answers for any of those questions. Mainly because he had no idea what was happening.

"Yellow, calm down. Pink's been punished enough, having to stay on that miserable planet. Let's give her time to adjust." Blue Diamond reasoned. Yellow Diamond sighed.

"Fine. But we need to tell White about this."

Blue Diamond nodded. "But first we should bring Pink to her room. Pearl would you please bring Pink to her room?"

"Yes, of course my Diamond." Blue Pearl spoke. Blue Diamond then placed Steven back on the ground, as she was still holding him. Blue Pearl then made her way over to the Steven, a blue sphere began surrounding them. They then began to phase through the floor, on their way to Pink Diamond's room.

Once they arrived Blue Pearl saluted to Steven, and then the orb surrounded her only, leaving Steven alone in a pink room

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Once they arrived Blue Pearl saluted to Steven, and then the orb surrounded her only, leaving Steven alone in a pink room. At least thats what he thought.

"Hello?" He asked, not really expecting anyone to reply. "Must be Pink's room."

Steven was still very confused about what was going on. Why did the diamonds believe he was Pink Diamond? If only he had seen the results on the Pearls' screens, then maybe he would understand. But alas, he was not able to see the screens.

"I need to sit down." Steven mumbled. Seconds before he sat down on the floor, a chair materialized. "Huh?"

Steven looked under the chair, wondering how it appeared, and saw the tiniest gems he's every seen. Once the gems noticed him looking at them, they scurried away.

Steven really wanted to know who these gems were, so he came up with an idea.

"I need a shelf for my face, face, face, face, face!" Steven called out in a sing-song tone. The shelf then appeared, Steven placed his face on the shelf, so he could see the gems, Steven then looked around at all the little gems. He then began to speak.

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