chapter - 1

102 24 12

Norah's P.O.V

"Hey Norah, what's your number ?"

"My gosh... Your murmurings aren't audible"

"Your number...?"

"It's 7 and yours?" I asked

"It's 15" I took a deep breath.

"OK..... Eva, will this jackpot hit on us? Mmm... What's the maximum price? Is it be okay for us to eat 24 hours? Whatever happens, I want a pair of shoes and of course ticket for a concert. Why are my hands wet? Is it shivering? Wait, wait am I tensed...? Eva, what if we lost it ?"

"What a blabbering fellow.... Babe, don't worry, you know na,my tongue is blessed! It's on us."
"Right right, your blessed tongue has always been a torture for me since we met." I sighed griefly.

Everyone snapped up to Clara with anxiety when she stepped onto the stage.

Wait..! Why is she snatching off the mike, it's not like someone's gonna eat it.

"OK then, the lucky draw number is" oh my gosh where is my heart running up to?
"Eva, could you please tie your heart, it's making a sound pollution and I cant even hear what the shit is Clara rambling."

"Why is she lagging it?" Eva questioned "She surely want us to starve for her last number"
She started again "So the lucky number is....." I can feel my heart racing " is..... "


My eyes opened in a trice.
"Ouch my cheek." I narrowed my eyes at Tris, who's sitting with wide eyes and a huge grin, on my bed holding a comb in his hand.

"Tris, why are you giving me a snake than a ladder, I can't even compete in a daydream. Most of my blushes are stolen by your slaps, you tiny chip."

He started playing all innocent. "Ooh..... Your play is not gonna work, dear. You are gonna pay for this. Where is the walker?"

I dramatically searched for the walker. Oh my god, this creatures giggling is so adorable.

"OK fine, this time I am playing blind it's better for you to stay here for my peaceful life, you are too big for this bed."

I put down him onto the floor and kissed his cheek, he kneel walked out. Oww... It's the cutest sight that a chubby pumpkin like him kneel walking.

I think that my teeth had fallen deeply for cola, so that it was ignoring me as I feel a tooth ache.

So, I decided to search for my weapons for brushing and at last I touched my brush for my battle as my mama shouted,

"Norah, for the sake of your parcel come fast, Tris is handling it"

"Oh my god", you can just image... A parcel and Tris! Its dangerous!

I rushed to the hall, my eyes catches Tris who was sitting on a box, that was supposed to be my parcel with the same comb he was holding and making sounds, that he found to be scary but actually it was just a muffling.

I think I am on time, he didn't destroyed it. Thanks to my legs. I put him down giving a death glare. I found a note in it.

'Hey annoying chip, now a college girl. Anyways blast it. Soon to be catched there. Before that find me a cute chubby girl and also beautiful, not like you.

This is a small gift for your day and congrats from papa for your scholarship'

Yours dashingly handsome Darren ;)

hh Darren.

By the way Darren is my closest buddy, also my family friend. He is my boost for every stupidity and for your knowledge that, today is my first day of college.

I slowly unwrapped the box, it is so heartbreaking to ruin a gift wrapper •_•

There is a brown off shoulder lace-up lantern sleeve sweater and a black skirt which is mid-thigh, that actually won't work on me, so I decided for a beige tights.

So its a perfect outfit for today's plan with a white converse. Anyway Darren and I have the same taste, always.

Whenever he is in my surroundings, I always annoy him as if it was my duty. I find Happiness in that.

He always makes fun of me but he was quite capable of handling my mood swings.

Wait, am i becoming a bit sentimental. Gosh... Nothing more, I want to make him irritate and he tolerates for his sake.

It's the first day of college and at any cost I can't be late. No, today Eva can't be angry at my timing. I promised to myself even though I clearly know it's not gonna work.

I quickly ran for my new outfit and it's a perfect fit for my body. I let my hair free, let them enjoy the freedom as it is a horrible part of tieing up, just waste of time, I put some eyeliner and lip gloss.


When I was working with my converse to let in my leg, I hear Eva shouting
"Hey you Dumpass"

I rushed outside while grabbing my bag taking Tris and kissed him, that he loved the most "Mama I'm leaving, bye.." I shouted while closing the door.

"Again.... Norah, at least today you can't be late "
" Babe you know right, boss is always late!" I said with a smirk.

Eva is my closest friend. she tolerates all my annoyings. She is like my sister from another mom. It's been 2 years but, we had two decades of memories.

"Hey pesky girl, you are looking so dashing today, where is this stuff from"
"Darren, he is coming soon here, we'll surely have a sleep over then"
"Oww.... what ever, I just wanna see the backbone of your annoyings that's it"

We grabbed a bus that took forever to reach the college. It's a calm atmosphere in college. "Hey I gotta call, 1 min" Eva said hurriedly.

The college was so huge that I ever seen. With an amusement I ignored Eva like she was on air. I moved on fastly for for a perfect view.

"Oh my god" I was collided with a boy who was so tall that I want to look at him by tilting my head fully.

He tried to grab my hand for rising me from the ground, then only I realised that I was sitting with the floor.

As he touches me, my heart flipped, it became disgusted , my heart was like shattered. I could feel that even after a long time, this hands, fearful nights and the hurtful nightmare.

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