Fix You- History Repeating

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I sighed.

"You know what, you shouldn't be alone. You're sleeping over at our place tonight," I told her. Then I looked at Chastity. "Both of you."

"Yeah, we can make a whole night out of it," Elena agreed.

Bonnie stayed silent for a moment before pulling over in to a field by the side of the road.

"Whoa," Elena said.

"What are you doing, Bonnie?" Chastity asked.

Bonnie got out of the car and walked toward the field.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked while I furrowed my eyebrows.

The three of us in the car watched Bonnie with curious eyes as she took the necklace off and threw it as far as she could in to the field. She came back looking satisfied with herself.

"Are you okay?" Elena asked like she was losing it.

"Now I am," Bonnie answered. "All my problems were because of that thing. Can't believe I didn't do that sooner."

"You know what your grams is gonna say," Chastity warned.

"Well she's not the one being haunted by a 150 year old ghost, is she?" Bonnie retorted.

"Alright then," I said.

Bonnie began driving back on the road again as I wondered if she was really going to be okay now.


Elena had her method of getting Damon to back off and that consisted of talking to Stefan and indirectly asking him to get Damon to leave Bonnie alone. My method...

"Stay away from Bonnie," I demanded.

My method consisted of telling Damon straight up to stay away from her.

He smiled at me, seeming amused as he leaned in the doorway of the Salvatore boarding house.

"Well hello to you too, Miss Gilbert," he teased. "Yes, it is a fine evening."

"I'm serious Damon. Leave her alone," I said.

"Tell her I want my necklace back and I will," he shot back.

"What do you even want it for?" I asked exasperated. "Why are you so desperate to get it back?"

"I'm not desperate to get it back," he denied.

"Then why keep bothering Bonnie? Why threaten her and scare her like you did today?" I questioned.

He stared at me for a moment.

"Because it's my crystal and I want it," he said. "It was promised to me by a certain someone Bonnie has a connection to."

"And who is that?"

"Emily Bennett."

I was taken aback. Emily Bennett? As in...Bonnie's ancestor Emily Bennett? Why would she promise Damon her crystal?

"Judging by the look on your face, I take it you know exactly who that is."

"Bonnie said it's a witch's talisman. Emily's talisman. What use to you have for it?" I asked him.

He smirked at me.

"Wouldn't you and Stefan love to know," he said. "Not that I haven't enjoyed this conversation, I was just on my way out. Care to join me?"

"Actually Elena's expecting you back home," a new voice cut in.

Damon's smirk grew and I turned around, seeing Stefan standing just a couple feet behind me. He looked from Damon to me and I could tell by the look in his eye that he wasn't happy I came to see Damon alone.

Fix You (A Vampire Diaries Fan-Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora