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"Floris, I think I know what you mean..." Y/N started. She thought back to all of the times that Jared had been acting strangely, but she also remembered her actions towards him lately.

"You know how I feel about him. He's suspicious, Y/N," Jared deeply growled.

"Who are you talking to?"

"But you like, never see me. And you always want time alone. Why am I even with you then?"

"This is why you have no friends,"

"You're right. I don't like them because they're all guys. That's ridiculous. Do you really expect me to be okay with your stupid friends when they're all guys?"

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Look, you need to stop spending so much time with your little internet friends. All you need is me,"

"No. You don't need them. You need girlfriends, in real life. Not some random guy friends you play games with online. That's weird. You're probably cheating on me with them anyways,"

"I helped myself to a pair of your keys before you shoo-ed me out last time,"

"He's using you, Y/N"

As she thought back to a few moments, in particular, it seemed as if Floris had been correct this entire time. Jared had been using her for the past two years. Her blood boiled as she thought of him taking her keys, aggravating her dog, and saying that she didn't deserve to have friends.

"This whole time, Floris..." she trailed off, "you've been right..."

"It's hard to see red flags through rose-tinted glasses, Y/N," he spoke, sober from his crying. Y/n sighed and laid her head in her hands. It felt like her entire world was crashing down on her. After two years of commitment, on her end at least, she felt like all of her efforts had been washed down the drain. Nothing really mattered to her anymore, but one thing was for certain- she wanted Jared out of her life. This sudden revelation of hers had her forgetting all of the drama with Floris- all she cared about was getting Jared out of her life.

"I've been doing okay, though, really. I just was so naive and I was unable to see what Jared was doing to me..." she sniffled.

"Yeah, and that's fine. I'll be honest in saying that this wasn't all me. Ranboo had come to me with his concern, along with Wilbur and Jack-"

"So basically everyone noticed this and nobody thought to tell me?" Y/N yelled with a sense of urgency in her voice. Floris sighed.

"Yeah, and I wasn't sure of when to say something but it seems that the time has finally come. I'm really sorry for not saying anything earlier, but I didn't want to cause any discourse when it wasn't needed. But that being said, I think you should reconsider being with Jared..."

"Well thank you for looking out for me, I really appreciate it. I am going to take your, Wilbur's, and Jack's advice to heart... I think I might end things with him, but that's easier said than done."

"It's always easier said than done, but I'll be here for you every step of the way, Y/N,"

"Thank you so much, Floris," she responded with slightly teary eyes. There was no way she would be able to do this on her own. Jared seemed like a ticking time-bomb fueled by anger and she wasn't ready to deal with an outburst of his. Knowing that her friends would be there to back her up made her feel so much better about the whole situation. "Oh, Floris," she started, interrupting her train of thought, "I'm supposed to be streaming with Puffy tonight. Can you let her know that I can't make it? Maybe you can take her place,"

"Yeah, of course. I'll message her now," Y/N could hear the soothing clacking of his keyboard in the background. She took a deep breath and let her shoulders sag for a moment. She had been sitting very uptight this entire time and it was giving her an ache down her back. Underneath her desk was Pooki who was still nibbling quietly on a toy. She laid in her bed with her paws on the squirrel, softly biting the non-squeaky parts.

"So... We're still friends?" Y/N asked solemnly.

"Of course. I'll agree that the letter I wrote was a little... dramatic, but I was truly afraid of hurting you more than I already have. My feelings still exist as well, but I'm not going to worry about that," Floris admitted. "Puffy say's that's okay and she hopes that everything goes well. I'll take your place on her stream tonight. Good luck. You got this," he reassured.

"Thank you, Floris, and make sure to thank Puffy for me as well. I'll probably end up messaging her later- I just haven't got around to reading her messages yet. It's been chaotic... but I feel a sense of comfort. I think I'm going to be okay."

"Never forget that we're all here for you, Y/N. We will never leave your side- especially me. I'll be your friend until the day I die. I love you,"

"Floris... I love you as well. In what context? I'm not sure. You are so dear to me and I have no idea what I'd do without you," Y/N heard his breath shake when she had said 'I love you.' She did love Floris... but nothing more than a friend. For now at least. Her main focus was on getting Jared out of her life once and for all.

"Well, good luck, Y/N. Whatever you need, I'm here," he spoke softly.

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. Have a good day, Floris," she smiled, even though he was not able to see her.

"You too, Y/N. Best of luck," he said, hanging up the call. Y/N stretched her arms above her head and let out a breathy sigh. That entire conversation expended way too much energy and she felt herself become sleepy. Standing up from her chair, she sluggishly made her way to the bed and plopped down, pulling the blankets over her chest. She patted the side of the bed to usher Pooki up with her. Pooki brought her toy in her mouth and curled up next to Y/N's feet.

As she started to fall asleep, she played out the scenario in her head. How the breakup would go... She had hoped and prayed that it would go smoothly and there would be little to no issues with it, but for some reason, she felt that wouldn't be the case.

words: 1181, i think idk wattpad = gay

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