,,Then I guess, you're a copy of mine. Look into the mirror Bella, I think you're getting wrinkles. Even though it couldn't make your face look even more cheap than it already does, could it?" Amelia grinned confidently, as she pushed past the Slytherins, who stared at her in disbelief and surprise. Usually Amelia was not the one to speak up for herself or even care about those comments.

,,Who do you think you are, bloodtraitor?" However, Lia ignored her voice and just kept walking, until Bellatrix held onto her wrist and pulled her back. ,,I am talking to you!"

,,That's bad for you, as I refuse to talk to a bitch like you-" she said now looking sharply, pointing at the girl. ,,-and cowards like you two-" now she pointed at Rosier and Mulciber. ,,anymore. Get your shit together and leave me the fuck alone. Near me there's no space for your stupid bloodpride and your unfounded large ego. " With that Amelia revoked her wrist from Bellatrix' hand and left the three students behind.

Looking down at her wrist, she saw some notches from Bellas nails, but she really didn't care about that. Sometimes, she did this herself. In situations of stress or anger, she would clench her fists so tight, that you could see the stains of her own nails afterwards. But that was no pain in comparison to the emotional pain she knew. It was just an unpleasant feeling, that left after some seconds, while the rips in her heart didn't dare to heal. Always reminding Amelia of what she had and what she lost.


Standing in front of the metal door of the potions classroom, that was supposed to provide safety from dangerous potions of spells, Amelia was unsure about what to do. She was already some minutes late, but she didn't want to go in, still debating on just not doing this project. She was no longer scared about it, but it annoyed her so the fullest. Working on something with another being sounds so pathetic. Like, why would you want to work with others if you can do it perfectly fine on your own, in peace?

However, Lia pulled herself together and entered the room quietly, to not be noticed by the other students. Only Professor Slughorn saw her walking through the door and smiled encouragingly and apologetically at her. It seemed to be an overcoming for her and he was glad that she took up the challenge. The teacher didn't want to risk a late refusal of work, but instead he wanted to help her as best as he could. The girl noticed the little gesture and accepted it with a tight, appreciating smile of her own.

Looking back at the other students, Slughorn raised his voice. ,,You now have time to plan and talk about your potions with your partner. Get up, don't be shy." 

Remus was looking around the room, searching for his partner, that again sat in the empty, dark corner of the room on her own. He was pretty sure, that she hadn't been there five minutes ago, when he looked for her the first time, but seemed to be wrong, as he acknowledged her now. Maybe I just didn't look that way, he thought. Staying in his seat for another few seconds, Remus got up and grabbed his things. He walked through the room, towards Amelias table.

,,Hey, can I sit?" he asked nicely, looking down at the girl, who just raised a brow and kept looking at her empty paper. What type of question was that? Like, you either can sit or you can't. The seat isn't taken, so why would he ask for permission?

,,Yes." Lia answered simply, trying to keep her answers short, to always provide and keep a certain distance. He seemed to want her permission, so he got it. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to talk. She didn't want to act like super-nice or something like that, simply not feeling like it and not being like that. So she decided to talk as just much as necessary and work for the rest of the time.

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