"You're right, Asher! She does smell of poo poo!" The proud Uncle pinched his nose and shook his head. "Oh man, now I have to stay with her for a whole week."

"Boo hoo," Lizzy grinned and stood up from her seat. "We should get going now anyway. As Eric said." 

"Auntie Poo Poo!" Lyra was still rolling on the floor howling with laughter at her Auntie apparently smelling of poo poo. Yes, the innocent and sweet little 7 year old was getting worked up by poo. Raised right, Olivia thought with a role of her eyes.

"If you call me that one more time, I'll make you smell too!" Auntie Lizzy managed to shut Lyra up who pouted innocently at her Aunt. "I'll miss you all lots, we'll see you when we're back?"

"Of course, have an amazing time guys." They all say goodbye with hugs and kisses, and Olivia is sure to whisper good luck to Eric before they leave.

"Byeeee!" The kids sung as the door shuts. When it closed, the kids burst back into laughter and kept saying poo over and over.


A few days later, Tom came over again to see Asher and Lyra. He had come prepared with microphones to sing and dance with Lyra, as he had promised.

"Hey, darling." Tom greeted as he stepped through the front door. As usual, he placed a kiss on her cheek and pulled her into a hug. "You look incredibly pretty today." He complimented and Olivia blushed.

"Thank you, Tom." Before Olivia could continue, Asher and Lyra came up to Tom screaming with excitement. The last time they'd seen him was nearly a week ago, when they celebrated Asher's football game at Harry's ice-cream parlour. It looked as if they'd been missing him for months.

"Tom, look at my new Loki shirt! I wanted to get one because of you. Do you like it?" Asher bombarded him, and Tom had to admit, it was really cool. It didn't have his face on, but instead, Loki's silhouette was splashed on with different shades of green paint on a black shirt.

"Asher, that is so cool. I need to get myself one of those!" Tom gushed as he crouched to their eye-level to get a better look at the shirt. He noticed Lyra had a new one on too, the exact same design as her brother but Harry Style's silhouette. "And you have one too? Aren't you guys lucky?"

"We are! Mummy treated us because we'd been so well behaved when we met you." The younger girl admitted with a small smile. She started to play with her long ginger pigtails and curled her ringlets around her fingers.

"Well mummy did a very good job of choosing didn't she?" He looked up to Olivia with a cute smile and she ruffled his hair slightly absentmindedly.

"Tom what are we doing today?" Asher bounced on his feet, ready to have a day full of all things Tom.

"Well I promised Lyra we'd have a mini One Direction Karaoke party. I was hoping you and mum could join?" At this suggestion Olivia burst into laughter.

"Me? Sing and dance? Unless it's High School Musical, I'll pass." The mother deadpanned which made her children scold.

"But mum! You always told us not to say no unless we try." Lyra pleaded. Olivia had brought this one on herself as she leaned against the wall with an exasperated look.

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