Angel in Disguise?

Start from the beginning

"You are not just you Jungkook. I know you're pretty good with arts, you sing and dance well too. Your grades are consistent while most of the students have a hard time about it. Just because I'm popular and you're not doesn't degrade you, okay?" wow... that's all I can say. I'm frozen, just looking at his beautiful eyes. "O-okay" is the only thing I can reply. The moment I said that, his shoulder relaxes and his beautiful smiles pops up again. He's an angel.

Weeks passed and he still talks to me. I became so open to him as he is to me. We always go home together and talk about ourselves – our likes and dislikes, dreams and future. I can say that I'm pretty close with him now. Though he still goes with his friends and I'm still alone, he didn't make me feel left out. Whenever he has time, he always come to me. He sometimes eat with me too that caused an issue before but Jimin took care of it.

We started hanging out, I sometimes go to his house which is still kind of awkward since he lives alone. He said his parents are abroad and I didn't pry on anymore cause it seems like he doesn't want to talk about them. Whenever I go to his house, we studies together or watches movies. He's so kind and gentle, he always makes sure if I'm comfortable or not. After classes are at dawn which sometimes makes me go home at eight or nine. At first mom would always scold me, saying that there's still an on-going killings. What made me real scared though was that Ahn Hye-Gun, the girl in the other class, was gone missing too.

A few of those missing people were from my school, some were really active and by that I mean, active in partying, staying over to a lot of houses and probably having drugs. I initially thought that these missing cases were made by some syndicate or something underground since the people taken from our school was like that but a few straight As students or someone with clean background were missing too.

"Hey, Earth to Jungkook!", I snapped back to reality when Jimin moved my face to face him. I'm still not in the proper mind to think of anything but as soon as I realized that I'm seeing Jimin's face from up close, it made my heart beat faster and my insides panic. I froze, just looking at his beautiful eyes. However, he stopped talking and just looked at me back. I guess he realized that our faces are so close. None of us talked nor moved; we just stared at each other's eyes – melting. After what felt like an eternity, I saw his eyes trailed my face from my eyes, to my nose... to my lips. His gaze is terrifying... tempting... so beautiful. I couldn't think properly, I just felt like I was struck by a lightning the moment his lips touched mine.

For a few moment, our lips are just touching but Jimin initiated the first move. I don't even know how kisses work – this is just my first time – but I suddenly followed his lead. We were just moving so in synch to each other. My hands slowly made its way to Jimin's waist, while Jimin's hand holds my cheek while the other was hanging to my nape. He started to lay back, slowly as he deepens our kiss. I even forgot that we're in his bedroom, the next thing I knew is that I'm lying on top of him while our tongues move freely inside our busy mouths.

What seem like hours were ended when we gasped for air. Our foreheads touching, our noses colliding, our lips barely apart. I can feel his hot breath on my mouth that makes my skin crawl. I looked at him directly at his eyes, as he did the same. He smiled which captivated me more. The tips of our lips are touching, and I pressed mine on his. It was just a soft chaste kiss, but it made me feel a lot of things.

He suddenly giggled as soon as my lips left his and pulled me close. Now, he's lying beside me, his head on my chest, his legs wrapped on mine as he hugs me tight. I've never felt this safe and calm and excited and in love before.

"I have something to admit Kookie", I looked at him and brushed his hair as I hum. "I actually look at you every time. Do you remember when we bumped into each other in the cafeteria?", "Of course, how could I forget that?". He smiled and pecked my lips before talking again. "Well, since then... I've started to like you."

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