two: overdose

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"You should eat something," George mothered Izzie, pushing her plate of food towards her.

"You try eating after performing seventeen rectal exams. The Nazi hates me," Izzie groaned, pushing the plate away again.

"The Nazi is a resident. I have attendings hating me."

Cristina cut in, her mouth full of food, "You know Meredith is inbred?" Rosie looked up from her already empty plate, eyes widening at mention of her sister.

"Like it's uncommon around here to be a
doctor's-" George began.

"No," Cristina clarified, "I mean royally inbred. Her mother is Ellis Grey."

Izzie's jaw dropped, "Shut up! The Ellis Grey?"

Rosie struggled to not roll her eyes. Ellis Grey was an excellent surgeon, but a sorry excuse of a mother. She blamed the woman for her difficult past. Sure, the drug addition and shitty boyfriend was on the young girl, but the mother never really loved Rosie.

"Who's Ellis Grey?" George questioned, earning laughs of disbelief from Izzie and Cristina.

"The Grey method. One of the first big chick surgeons. Paved the way for women in the medical field," Rosie told the boy, her voice dripping in disgust and sarcasm. "It's all bullshit. Now, can we not talk about my mother, please?"

A thick silence fell over the group. Rosie dug her fingernails into thighs under the table, holding back her anger. Anger issues had been a product of the neglect from her mother (although "neglect" is a stretch in more serious terms) and her involvement with her ex boyfriend and his "business".

"Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hands," Meredith ranted to the group, slamming her tray of food down beside George. Everyone was silently grateful for the interruption, as it seemed to tear through the awkward aura like a saber.

Preston Burke then approached the group, standing before the seated interns. Rosie didn't like Dr. Burke. He never gave her a reason to dislike him, but there was something that was off. There was something that made her a bit uneasy. Whether it was the wide smirk he always carried or the smug comments he made, she had no interest in getting to know the doctor, and for that reason, she had no interest in cardiothoracic surgery.

"Good afternoon interns," Burke began. "It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally. As you know, the honor of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice."

Rosie was nervous. She wanted the first surgery. It would be her leg up against her competition, assuming she didn't mess up. Rosalinda Grey needed to prove herself. She needed to prove herself to the doctors above her. She needed to prove herself to her sister. Most importantly, she needed to prove to her mother that she could be more than just some druggie.

   Preston patted George's back and continued, "George O'Malley, you'll scrub in for the appendectomy this afternoon. Congratulations."


   Rosalinda wanted to see her sister. Despite her hatred for her mother's favorite (even though Ellis Grey was not a good mother to either girl), Rosie had a hope that Meredith didn't hate her, that she didn't think of her only as a druggie. Rosie had gone searching for Meredith a couple hours after lunch, finally finding her entering a stairwell with a very attractive attending.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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