Chapter 6.5: Mischief

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Author here, here's another little mini chapter for y'all while I get my state exams out of the way. These are really fun to make lol. This chapter isn't really important to the plot, but please enjoy anyway!

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I have finally done it.

I managed to book a succubus dream about a week ago.

The succubus is scheduled to come tonight.

One night.

I just need one night alone.

A night in the mansion with no one around.

This might sound impossible, but this past week I've been planning.

It's called Operation Evacuation.

And it's finally time to put it into action.

It was around 8 AM-ish, which is the time everyone usually gets up. But I've been awake since 6.

I waited for 20 minutes before walking downstairs to meet Aqua, who was still sprawled out on the couch while the other members of the party were either getting dressed or already at the guild.

"Morning, Isaki," Aqua greeted.

"Mornin'," I greeted back. "Aqua, some guy came to the mansion last night looking for you."

"Hm? Who?"

"Some guy- said he worshipped you. Like you're a goddess or something."

Aqua's interest piqued. "Say what?"

"Yeah, he wanted to meet you, but you were asleep so he told me to send a message. He wants you to meet him at some city- I can't remember the name, but apparently they're popular with their hot sp-"

"Tell Kazuma and them I'll be back tomorrow!" She told me, running out of the door.

Great, that was the easy part. The others might not be so gullible.

After deceiving Aqua so easily, I made my way upstairs. I managed to run into Darkness just as she was leaving her room.


"Heyy, Darkness!" I waved and smiled.

"Hi Isaki," she smiled back.

The two of us started walking together, making our way out of the mansion and starting towards the guild.

"Oh, Darkness! Your family called you over. They need to talk to you about some royal business or something," I said.

Suddenly, Darkness stopped in her tracks. I looked back at her and saw that she was looking at me with suspicion.

"How do you know about my family?" She interrogated.

Gah...shit! Wait, calm down. This is no time to panic.

"Kazuma told me, of course," I answered, sighing as I thought I was in the clear.

"How come I didn't see you talking with anyone at the mansion?" Darkness continued. "I think I would have noticed if you answered the door to someone seeking to speak to royalty."

My heart began to beat faster and faster. This bitch...this masochist is really about to ruin my plan! So easily!

Making sure not to sweat or show any nervousness, I kept my poker face on. "They came very early in the morning. I was up because I was grabbing a late snack, honest."

Darkness' suspicions weren't gone, though. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I tried, you were in a deep sleep."

Yunyun, The Socially Awkward Girl Who Helped Me, Another Socially Awkward PersonWhere stories live. Discover now