Chapter 6: Wingman

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"You don't actually prefer Asuka over Rei, do you?" Kazuma asked.

"Yes! I 100 per-fucking-cent prefer Asuka over Rei," I replied.

This was routine. I've been bunking with Kazuma since I have no where else to go, and I usually go on missions with him and his party. When we get back, everyone's itching to use the bath. To save time, and since we're both guys, Kazuma and I bathe together (5 feet apart of course). The time isolated from the girls of Kazuma's party is usually spent talking about anime, games, Japan, and other shut-in type convos. These convos can get pretty intense, though.

"Bro why? She's an asshole," Kazuma retorted.

"I don't know man. I just do."

"Okay- but you only prefer her because you hate Rei so bad, right? Please say it's by default. Don't tell me you actually like her."

"Dude, I love Asuka. Like 10x better than Rei," I explained, basically asking for an argument.




Before I could retaliate, Kazuma held up his hand and took a deep breath. "We're arguing over nonexistent girls again. We need to do the breathing technique," he said. I nodded.

The breathing technique was something we did whenever we disagreed with something and it turned into an argument. And every single time we did it, one of us made a JoJo reference. It was inevitable. Neither of us wanted to, it was just routine. But if you couldn't tell, Kazuma and I have grown pretty close.


"Shut up," I interrupted. "I have something important to say."


"Well first of all, thanks for helping me with talking to people. Progress has been slow but rest assured progress has been made. I really appreciate it."

"No problem man. I might've been a loner in my past life, but I was a loner by choice. I'm actually quite charismatic," Kazuma responded.

"I don't doubt that. Anyway, I have something to say that you may be able to help me with, or you might just be as clueless as I am, but either way I want to get this off my chest."

"What is it?" Kazuma asked, his curiosity reaching its peak.

"I think I'm in love."



"WHAT?!" Kazuma leaped out of the water, his towel nearly falling off of his waist. I quickly turned away.

"C-c-c-calm down Kazuma! I-"

Kazuma interrupted me by jumping back into the bath and making his way towards me. Kazuma, who seemingly instantaneously switched from his frantic fit of disbelief into a more calm, cool, and collected manner, put his finger on my lips and stared me directly in the eye.

"Which one of the crimson demons is it?"

"How'd you narrow it down to that?" I asked, stunned.

Yunyun, The Socially Awkward Girl Who Helped Me, Another Socially Awkward PersonWhere stories live. Discover now