Chapter 16: Alternate Cage

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If you think Nagase crashed, read until the end.


November 17th, 2010 1349 hrs
Briefing Room, Sand Island

~ Nagase's p.o.v. ~

Last night was very intense. Who knows that the ghosts are real. There is one time where we caught a glimpse on a dark, scary figure floating in front of us, and Chopper just screaming the hell out in our ears while shouting and holding the cross. Then there's also a part where there's a screeching sound from the corridor and slimes dropped on top of the nuggets(ew), and don't forget that a deformed Freddie from Five Nights At Freddie's with an earrape sound effects. It was actually Blaze in a costume, laughing. Nonetheless, Grimm ended up pissed his pants and Chopper savagely shake Blaze back and forth from fear and I have to stopped him from going further.

Today, we gathered in the briefing room for our mission. Whenever we have a briefing, Blaze always sits beside Captain Bartlett's chair as if it was his monument of a missing captain. The day he was shot down and captured still bothering me. And I can't stop blaming myself until now, even if my friends tried to cheer me up. If only...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the briefing began. "Our ground offensive is continuing its fast-paced push into Yuktobanian soil. A POW internment camp was discovered during the offensive and a team of marines attacked and captured the camp. The marines have secured the camp's radio room, and a flight of helicopters is en route to retrieve the prisoners."

Did they just said POW camp? Maybe Captain Bartlett was there. Yeah, he might be there, waiting for us to be rescue. And he can fly with us again, and apologize about getting shot down. "Your mission is to provide close air support for thus rescue and retrieval operation. The radio room could be retaken by the enemy at any moment. If it is, the enemy will report the attack, and this rescue will end in failure. Find and shoot down all enemy aircrew in the local airspace, and secure air superiority across the entire area. I also need to inform you that you have to fly during snowstorm. Dismissed."

After the briefing, Blaze grunted. "Dammit. I can't use my pulse lazers on this mission."

"Eh? Why not?"

"Lazers can't handle the snow and clouds, it can't penetrate through. I'm going to use my Su-37 for now." We immediately went to the locker room to put on our G-suit. Then headed to the hangars and hop on to our planes. We took off from Sand Island and fly towards our destination. I hope Captain Bartlett is there, alive...

"Ice Cage"
17 November, 2010 1708 hrs
Glubina, Yuktobania

It was a cold and snowy day, and this was the worst weather I had to fly in. Hopefully this mission won't last long or our planes will get damage and frost. Before we headed here, Blaze told us to brought bags with us containing survival kits, including heat packs and warm blankets, just in case some of us crashed from the snowstorm. Hopefully that won't happen.

"Remind me guys to make hot noodles for us." Blaze said. "I'm about to get cold from this place."

"Make it hotter so we can release the cold out of the body." Chopper added.

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