Hogsmeade (part 1): Alone

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I got out of bed and saw that Dorcas was awake too. Lily, Marlene, and Mary were already up and out of bed. They were probably eating in the Great Hall already.

"Wow. You're up early." I teased Dorcas as I slipped on my slippers. Dorcas sticked out her tongue.

"We have Hogsmeade and I want to be prepared." Dorcas responded as she tied her shoes. "What kind of dress do you want? For the ball."

"I really want to follow the idea of midnight, y'know? What about you?"

"Well, I realized that I would much rather wear a suit than a dress."

"I see that. What color are you planning?"

"I don't know yet. I'll see what that formal place has."

"What other places are at Hogsmeade?" I asked curiously.

"Zonko's Joke Shop, The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes Sweetshop, Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Those are some popular shops, but there are some small businesses throughout Hogsmeade."

"That sounds interesting. I'm assuming the Marauders spend a lot of time in that joke shop."

"They do." Dorcas laughed and stood up from her bed. "Oh! You know where we should go?"

"Where?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The Shrieking Shack! People in the village say that it's haunted. That they hear howls, shrieks, and everything eerie."

"Yes! That sounds exciting!"

"Finally. I've been wanting to go but nobody wanted to go with me. Anyways, I'll be in the Great Hall. See ya."

"See ya." I smiled as Dorcas left our dorm.


"Good morning, love. Excited for Hogsmeade?" Lily asked me when I entered the Great Hall and walked towards them. Lily was sitting across from Remus and in between Marlene and Mary.

"Of course I am." I responded when I sat next to Remus. "Where's Dorcas? She told me she was going to be in here."

"In the loo." Marlene answered, picking at her french toast.

"Y'know...Dorcas wants to wear a suit, too." I told Marlene.

"Really?" Marlene questioned silently, a hint of pink in her cheeks.

"Really." I confirmed.

"That's cool. I'm glad I'm not the only one."

"What are you planning to do for your first Hogsmeade trip?" Remus asked politely and took a bite out of his toast.

"Well, I'm hoping to go to Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks. After we get our formal wear, of course. Oh, and Dorcas and I are going to go to the Shrieking Shack." I replied, but once the last two words slipped out of my mouth, Remus began to choke on the food that was in his mouth. "Are you alright?" I asked while I patted Remus's back as he coughed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He answered with a red face. "But- uh...isn't that place...uh- haunted?"

"That's why we're going. It's an adventure." I responded, handing a glass of water to Remus.

"Thank you." Remus nodded and took a sip of the water, "I don't think it's a good idea though."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I slightly elbowed Remus's shoulder and looked to the platters of food.

"That's not the reason why I'm worried." I heard Remus mutter quietly.

"What?" I questioned, looking back at Remus.

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