The Last Year Of HS(high school)

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The first day of the last year of HS...

With the girls...

Kaoru's POV:

15 year past since me and my friends, Momoko and Miyako, have met, we were 3 then. Good years past and it's the last year of HS... I were skeating(can.not.spell) to school, yeah right I still didn't got a freking car! I went to our meeting place and wait for the 'fashion quin' and 'candy girl' we still had our nicknames so deal with it bakas! "Kao-chan!" I know this voice "Miya! I missed you!" "Seems so even I call you Kao-chan you did not say anythink about it! And I missed you too!" "Forgetting 'bout me?!" and here's the candy girl "Sup, Momo?" I smiled at her "Momo-chan!!!" I can't heare with my left ear thnx to Miya, "Let's go to school" Momo said "How 'bout changing the sentenses everyday you say 'Let's go to school'" we all laugh.

Butch's POV:

My idiot bro's  woke me up at 6 the freaking 6 AM at the morning! Well since Mojo dead and HİM explode by the PPGZ we have a stepmother but she was so nice she even make us stop stealing and everythink bad!

As we walking to our new school,we fired from the other one, I saw a girl skating near us she had a raven hair to her soulders, green emerald eyes,witch mach perfectly to her hair, a black short, green top witch is kinde short and dark green short boots... I can say she was HOT but she looks so familiar, she stop at the corner. I came to reality by my brother's poke's. "Cut it out you baka!" I shout at them "Dude you are keep staring at that girl" I blush and see Boom looking at a girl in a blue t-shirt, dark blue mini skirt and black school shose "Hey Boom had a crush or what?" I smirked and see Brick was looking the girl with pink top there's a heart on it and a jean mini skirt and red shose there was a freaking bow on her head! "Uhh Brick?" Boom and I ask no answer I look at Boom and he nod we catch Brick by arms and go to school and I hear footsteps behind us and laughing, I couldn't take it and longer I turn and my bros did too, we were face to face with dose 3 girls, the green one was looking at me with a hot smile and her hand was on her waist we all were blushing.

Kaoru's POV:

We saw them staring at us, we go near them the green one was cool. He was wearing a dark green t'shirt black ripped pants a black jacet and green boots. He had a raven hair like me but darker ME!!! I can swore 'bout that I just smile at him. "You're so kawaii" said the boy in blue. "You idiot!" the one in green shout and hit the blue boy from the head, I can't help but a small laugh came out of my mouths, he look at me and blush a little. The red one finally talks "Sorry for my two idiot brothers.." he said his eyes on Momoko. "No need to worry" Momoko answerd, "And thnx by the way" Miyako smiled at the blue boy he smiled back. "What's your names anyway?" I smiled and look at the tree boys one to one but my eyes stuck at the green one...AGİN!!!

Butch's POV:

She ask me my name well acualty all of us but still and I'm sure I saw her look at each of us but her eyes stuck on me, just as mines.

"Names B-Break!" İ get it people stiil thinks we're evil so we were changing our names, "My name is Blaze..." really Boom a girl name, REALY!!! "Bran's the name so who are you girls?" "Momoko, nice to meet you Break." "I'm Miyako, nice to meet you Blaze-kun!" they all smile to my brothers nows the turn for the green girl. "Names Kaoru,you guys are going to New Townsville High?" "Yeah why?" I ask she smiled "Well you're new in school so if you want we can give you guys a tour" "Why not!?" we all smile an then the two girl start to run holding my brothers hands and laughing "you can't win this time Kaoru-chan!" they shout. "I hope you can run" "Huh..." she took my hand and we start to run. WAİT! SHE.TOOK.MY.HAND! A few mins later we catch them and arrive the school as 1# "Then who lose!" she was laughing with her friends. "Hello losers! Hahahahaha!!" "Hey Himeko..." Momoko and Miyako said Kaoru turn around point the girl in a fluffy dress get ready to say something but then reliaze what she was wearing. "What are you wearing, it's too early for halloween?" "And how old are you? 4-5!" I ask. She seem like just saw us, "Oh hi you hot boys wanna have a tour and have dinner at the roof?" she came next to me and start to walk her fingers on my chest "Uuuhhhmmm..." my bro's were laughing at me and the girls too, but Kaoru were just smiling and laughing a little "Need help?" she ask "Yes please..." She smirk and got Himeko's crowny think from her head, "Hey Himeko!" "what?!" she turn her head to Kaoru but still hugging me "Missing something?" she get her crown out of her back and shakes it, "Hey give it back!!!" "Make me!" she start to run and jump to the tree's brench it was a long branc so she can walk on it, she put the crown to her head "I'm Himeko but call me Princess I'm rich and I can buy everythink I want I wear fluffy dresses and bossying everyone without thinking, oh look I broke my nail I have to go to manicure, Owww" "Give it baaack" she screams we were all came near the tree and watching Kaoru's act I was laughing and watching but the others couldn't watch any longer they were laughing their butts on the ground. Kaoru trowns the crown at Himeko and Himeko hits the tree and Kaoru were nearly fall I catch her we were blushing cause I were holding here bridal styl. "Y-you OK?" I ask "Y-yeah, t-thnx..." she says and I put her down we were blushing as hell but she smile again, but this time I smile back..

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