Caffeine, Small Talk.

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Blake suddenly jolted up as the ringing sound of his alarm clock buzzed in his ears, it read 7:00am sharp. He sprinted to his feet and fixed on his work clothes, brushing his hair into the side part he typically wore it in. Blake began rushing out the door, saving no time for breakfast whatsoever.

He made his way into a coffee shop where he worked his butt off each day, it's quite ironic how he works in a coffee shop, a place to replenish and boost your energy while he drowsily pours the customers their cups of coffee and hands out baked-goods, but there isn't much you can do to make money especially in such a small town.

The door swung open as the bell hung above chimed, Blake had to quickly get to work dusting and cleaning every inch of the shop, while also preparing the coffee pot for customers before he flips the sign over so it can read "Open" he pulled out the broom from the closet and swept the floor clean, he also started to prepare and place the baked goods into the oven being careful not to burn himself. It's clear that this job isn't ideal nor is it easy, especially having to deal with bratty and arrogant customers. Blake finished up his work inside and carefully flipped over the sign to indicate they had opened

It takes Blake a while to realize his co-worker Cara hasn't arrived yet, he always seems to wonder what takes her so long to get into work unfortunately for her, she always seems to be scolded by the manager but she simply just laughs it off, she was never the favorite employee but nobody really wanted to work in a dull and daft looking establishment. Blake took a bit of his time to check up on the baked goods when suddenly he hears a ring of the bell it must be Cara he thought to himself and oh boy was he right.
"Hey mamas, what's happening" Cara bursts out instantly with a wide smile on her face
"You do know you're extremely late again, right?" Blake questions Cara
"I am painfully aware" she responds with an annoyed sigh
"I'm sure I'll get my head bit off by the manager again" continued Cara, out of what seems to be nowhere a loud 'ahem' rises from a voice behind Cara, it was in fact the manager
"Cara, if you're late again I swear on my mother I WILL fire you" her tone was aggressive yet calm, demanding yet friendly. However, her look was cold Cara knew she was in trouble big time.
"Hey, boss Cara has a lot on her back, why not cut her some slack?" Blake defended with a worrisome smile plastered across his face.
"I'll think on it, but don't let it happen again" she responded her tone warming up towards Blake. The manager walked away, her hands behind her back and her posture kept still and straight.

Cara and Blake took a quick glance at each-other letting out sights of relief as they continued getting back to work. As customers made their way through the door the ringing of the bell coffee cups behind poured and baked snacks being munched on. Blake kept his eyes peeled waiting for the pretty blonde boy who would always have coffee at the shop daily. The door swung open and Blake's head lifted up swiftly, it was Reiner! The edges of Blake's mouth lifted into a slight smile as he waited for him to walk up to the counter and place his order.
"Hey can I get a black coffee?" Reiner asked
"Of course, is that all?" Blake responded cheerfully
"Yeah and while you're at it sit down I'm sure you've had a long day, Blake"
"Right, of course" his face covered in an increasing smile, the more and more Reiner spoke. Blake tipped over the coffee pot creating two cups for the both of them, he hated coffee but he'd do whatever he could to please Reiner. He held his hands under the both of the cups and sat them down on the glass table, as they made a clang sort of noise.

"So what have you been up to, Mr. coffee shop" Reiner teased him
"Very funny" Blake chuckled a little bit and covered his mouth
"But, I haven't done much ever since the incident, It was a lot of trouble finding a job but, I pulled through" he explained. Reiner took a sip from his coffee as he paid attention to Blake's story. He placed his hands down and intertwined them
"That's unfortunate" he responded closing his eyes
"I've been worried we may have a titan attack anytime soon, and I'm just not sure I'm prepared" Reiner sighed with a upset look on his face.
"I'm sure you won't have any problem, you've been in this work for quite some time" Blake replied attempting to encourage Reiner instead of him doubting his abilities. The table grew silent as Reiner sipped on his coffee Blake wished he could read his mind and know how he was feeling, unfortunately he couldn't he only had to rely on his facial expressions to tell how he was feeling

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