Part 2: The First Day

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*I tried to research things like policing work and ranks, as well as names such as Liyana who is Pakistani. If I have got anything wrong please correct me!

I wake up to a note next to my pillow: Had to go home to get ready for work. Last night was great :), Matt. Just when I think he can't get any more perfect! My outfit is hung up neatly in my wardrobe and I get ready way too early! I sit on my bed anxiously waiting for my uber. All the excitement fades after I get ready, and now I keep getting irrational thoughts about my colleagues hating me and me not being good at the job.

I get in the uber and it seems only minutes before we arrive at Lavender Street Station. I should have just walked. As I get out, i see a familiar face getting out of his car. Matt. He never told me which station he worked at, and what a coincidence! I run over to say hi and he seems so happy to see me. We stroll inside as we catch up (as much as we can seeing as we saw each other a few hours ago) and he introduces me to my new colleagues. My desk is next to Liyana's, and I already know we are going to be great friends.

Just as I am sitting down at my desk ready to start work, a door opens. The room turns to slow motion as she walks out. She is wearing a pencil skirt that ends quite a few inches above her knee, showing off her long, golden legs. Her shirt is tucked in, with a few buttons untucked and a powerful blazer on top. Her beautiful long brown hair flips from side to side as she walks, like she is a model on a catwalk. It is beautifully curled in beach waves and reaches far down her back. Her beautiful sleek black heels click as she walks and you can tell how powerful she is as she walks. Her smile lights up the whole room and i instantly melt into my chair.

But then i snap back to reality as she talks. "Hi! You must by Beth! I'm Miranda, or DSI Armstrong as you will know me. Welcome to the station! I see Matt has introduced you to your colleagues. We're a close bunch round here, so get to know everyone well! I'll be in my office if you need anything!". She smiles as she walks back. I am stunned by her. I can't stop staring. But then reality hits me. What would everyone say if they knew what I was thinking? What would my parents say? Why do I think this? What's happening to me? 

When I return to reality, I get filled in by Liyana about what we have planned for today. We are going to bring a witness down to the station to interview him about him witnessing the robbing of a bank near us. I instantly get a little too excited. I'm used to chasing people for speeding, but now i've upgraded! I turn to my computer to get on with work and chat to her while doing it. As i suspected, we get on really well and we can talk about so much already. I tell her about my date with Matt yesterday, and she tells me that he's great and that i'm lucky to have him, which made me almost forget about Miranda. Almost. It's strange just knowing she's in the other room. But I don't know why.

The day goes by quite fast and the witness gets here very fast and me and Liyana follow Miranda into one of the interview rooms to talk to him. Even though i'm just observing, it feels great. This is exactly why i wanted on my first day. His name is Ethan Stokes and he was actually really helpful in identifying people connecting with the robbery.

When the interview ended a rush of adrenaline kicked in as we rushed to the cars. We arrived at the suspect's residence rapidly and him being arrested went so fast I can hardly remember it. When we got back to the station I was the one interviewing him with Miranda. I tried to focus as much as I could on the interview and did surprisingly well. She let me ask him questions a lot which was actually a really good way to learn and we got a confession out of him. That felt amazing!

After that the rest of the day flew by. I didn't get a chance to speak to Matt much but some of us went for drinks at a pub near the station. He was there too. I talked to him mostly at the start, but i warmed up to the rest of them and before long I was laughing so hard it hurt a little. I said goodbye to Matt after he walked me home at around 11:39pm and got into bed quickly after changing and brushing my teeth. I feel really good about that first day. This is the job for me.

Confessions Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora