Chapter 4

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The day had come. The start to her new life for however long was necessary. Along with her new life, came a motorcycle and a fully furnished apartment. It all looked great on paper, but the real deal was a bit opposite.

Evelyn opened the door to her new old place and sighed. It wasn't that it was a dump, because it wasn't. It was just...not her own fancy digs she was used to. This building had to be at least one hundred years old. She could tell from the architecture. And, while it was clean, it had definitely seen better days.

Running her hand along the wall as she walked in, she wondered just how many stories the walls could tell. Probably hundreds, no doubt. Evelyn's eyes settled on a few boxes of clothing and items she would need for the job, the movers delivered. She was happy she had arranged that ahead of time.

After getting settled, she decided a cup of tea was in order. Evelyn drummed her fingertips on the counter while she waited for the water to boil. She needed a plan. What to do first? Probably find him. Find him, gain his attention and hope to attract him. Wait. Her mind flashed back to the day at the coffee shop. Did he say he was married? She had a vague memory of talking about a girlfriend or wife. What the hell was it? Crap.

Oh well. She'd wing it. First things first. She would need to scout the area. Drive around and see what she could see. It certainly helped she knew the city already. So that was good. She just needed to get a feel for who hung out where. She had an idea, it just wasn't one hundred percent.

She needed to watch which bars these biker dudes hung out at and when. There was also a strip club nearby. The biker nerds probably hung out there too. She could go and scope the place.

Too bad she didn't have a car yet. Some of the surveillance jobs would be better handled with one. She would need to add it to her priority list. In the meantime, she could rent one if she really needed.

Taking a sip of her tea, Evelyn took a peek out her living room window. It really was the best place to be. Right in the heart of the city. It was where all the action was. She would be able to monitor who cruised the main drag. Of course the downside was that if she made any enemies along the way, she'd be easily found. It was a risk she was willing to take. Besides, it wasn't like anything bad was going to happen. She was a professional.

She knew her business. The business of man, she liked to refer to it as. While it was true she was very young, she was a quick learner. For as long as she could remember, her mother was always bringing home different boyfriends. It was pretty easy to figure out what guys wanted most out of women. And, lucky for her, she had one right between her legs.

Grinning, Evelyn tossed the rest of her tea down the drain deciding to get to work. Rummaging through her clothes boxes, she managed to find a pair of snug black jeggings, tight v-neck t-shirt, and riding boots. Evelyn tapped her bottom lip.

"Where the hell is my brand new push up bra? I need that sucker," Evelyn growled frustrated, tossing clothes out of the box and over her shoulder. "Titty casket...come out, come out, wherever you are," she called soft. "Where are you, you little bitch?" After several minutes, she finally found it with a sigh of relief. "I hate you."

Evelyn was about to get dressed when she decided a shower was in order. While she smelled normal--at least she figured she did--she couldn't take any chances. She needed to smell good enough to eat. Literally. A shiver went up her spine. Maybe one little peek at the pic she took of biker nerd wouldn't hurt. She needed to refresh her memory anyway.

Grabbing her phone, she brought up the picture she had taken at the coffee shop. Ah. There he was in all his gorgeous glory. Several months had passed since she snapped the pic. Did he still look that good? Time would tell--hopefully.

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