Part 1 : My Dream Job

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I open my eyes abruptly to the sound of traffic outside my window. I still haven't got used to living in the city. Half asleep, I grab my phone and gasp as I spot an email from DSI Armstrong. I sit up straight and squeal with joy as I read the first two lines. I got the job. My dream job. I have always wanted to work higher up in the police, more than just riding around in the car spotting people speeding. I want to do more for the community. That's why I was so excited when I got the promotion. It's for a new station, and I'm sad to leave my old one but it's a new start that I really need.

I lie in bed for quite a while trying to imagine what my first day will be like. I've taken online courses in IT to make sure I am ready while I was waiting to hear about the job. I know it's quite confident, but I knew deep down that I would get it. I'm ready for it now. I daydream about my new co-workers and solving difficult cases. I've dreamed about this since I was a kid, but I have to work my way up first.

After getting up, making some breakfast and getting dressed, I collect my post from the corridor and say hello to Mrs Halloway, who lives in the apartment next to me. Mrs Halloway has a delivery at the same time every morning, but I've never had the courage to ask what it is. Nevertheless, we get on very well (but I still don't know her first name) and she makes me feel like London is home, even though I've only lived here for 2 weeks. I tell her all about my new job and tell her how excited I am about it. She used to work for the police too and she told me all about her first day in the station. That actually didn't help, it just got me more excited about tomorrow. I can't wait. After a long conversation, we say goodbye.

When I get back inside, I'm still so tired I just get back into bed. Until I hear my phone. It's that weird tone from Tinder. I have a match who looks way too good to be real but i'm still intrigued. He wants to meet up today. Mrs Halloway says I need to be spontaneous, so I agree to meet him for lunch in an hour. I get really excited for this too, to the point where I nearly forget about tomorrow. Where we are meeting is close so I get to chill out and watch Netflix until I need to leave.

I notice how sunny and bright it is today, and I take in the sunshine on my five minute walk to Battersea Park. I feel like I have only just left the apartment when I arrive and I spot him instantly. I think I look happier than I should to see him, but I was really scared he was too good to be true. We grab a quite expensive lunch at the Pear Tree Café, which was really nice and we talked for hours! We had a walk around the park until it got dark and we went for a drink. He works for the police too, he is DI Matt Evans, and we grew up in the same area but never met. I normally don't spend so long on a date because they are usually boring. But this one went well. REALLY well.

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