chapter 6

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warning: longish chapter.

A/n: i think im just gunna make my chapters longer. how does that sound? hopefully good.

Fundy POV 

I wake up, but Y/n isn't here. I was worried at first, but then I smelled food. I walk out to the kitchen and see Y/n making bacon and eggs. Bad walks out behind me and sits in the seat to my right.

Time skip to when the food is done

Y/n walks back to her room, after not eating anything. I follow, wanting to make sure she is ok. She doesn't look alright.

"Hey babe, you don't look alright. Are you ok?" I ask

She shakes her head and proceeds to lay down. I walk over to the bed where she was and put my hand on her forehead.

"You're warm. I'll be right back with some soup. Don't go anywhere. Got it?" I ask.

She lightly nods and lays back down.

I walked out to the kitchen to meet bad still sitting on the stool he was when I had left. I walk past him and to the cupboard, and grab the soup, and then grab a bowl. I proceeded to put the soup in the bowl. I then put the bowl in the microwave. I had put it in for 3 minutes and waited.

The microwave went off, and I grabbed the hot bowl. I almost dropped the bowl because of how hot it was. 

After almost dropping the bowl and grabbing a spoon, I walk up to Y/n's room. She is almost asleep, so I gently wake her and give her the chicken noodle soup that I had made moments ago. 

She took it and proceeded to set it down on the bed, sit up, and proceed to eat it. 

After she had finished, she set the bowl on the bedside table. She then proceeded to get up, go to the bathroom, and then throw up.

I rushed into the bathroom with Y/n and held her hair back. After she was done, I picked her up and brought her back to her bed. 

I lay Y/n down on the bed, and then she said, "I think I'm having a migraine. This happens when I have a migraine. I'm sorry if I scared you." 

"There's no reason to be sorry! Do you mind if I lay here next to you? I wanna help you feel better as much as possible,"

She slowly nodded, and I lay next to her. I gently put my arm around her, and just laid there with her. Y/n had fell asleep, me soon following.

Time skip till when Fundy wakes up.

I wake up from my nap, and see that Y/n is still sleeping. I grab my phone, and text wilbur.


Hey, Y/n is having a migraine. Know how to help?

Yeah. Get her the meds. It should have the name imitrex on it. Its in the bathroom cabinet.

Alright thanks will! Do you want me to tell you how it goes?

Yeah please.

Alright I will.


End convo

I get up carefully, and go get Y/n's Imitrex from the bathroom built into her room, and I walk back into the room. She's still asleep, so I get a sticky note, and write on it, please take when awake. Find me before you take it, wilbur wants to know how it goes.

Soon after I wrote that and stuck it on the meds, she had woken up. She looks at it, looks at me, then takes the meds. It looks like it went pretty well, and then I texted Wilbur, telling him this.

Y/n goes to her computer, then boots it up. She opens Discord, and she has a ton of messages from Skeppy. They look negative, and she pushes herself back from her computer, and tries to find bad.


I wake up, and see my meds on my bedside table. I look at it, look at fundy, then take the meds. It went pretty well, and then I noticed that Fundy texted someone.

I goe to my computer, then boot it up. I open Discord, and I have a ton of messages from Skeppy. They look negative, and I push myself away from my computer, while tearing up, and go to find Bad.

The first place I look is his room. He's in there, and I break down crying. He immediately runs over, and engulfs me in a hug.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. What's going on? What happened? Wanna talk about it?" He asks.

All I do is nod my head, get up, and lead him to my room. I show him what's on the monitor, and he starts to look angry. He gets his phone out, and calls skeppy.

Skeppy answers in the first minute, and bad starts yelling at him. Skeppy acts innocent at first, then bad shows him the things that he had sent me. I started having a panic attack, and Fundy led me out of the room while on the phone with Wilbur. Wilbur is calming me down, fundy doing the same.

Its already noon, and I've thankfully calmed down from the panic attack, and needless to say, Bad blocked all contact with Skeppy on his account and on mine. Fundy does the same; then told the rest of the smp, and Skeppy got banned for life.

"Want some food? I know you haven't eaten all day. I can order something if you want,"

I nod and ask, "that would be nice. Can we get some Chinese?"

He nods, and I place the order. Bad didn't want anything, so it was just Fundy and I ordering.

Time skip to after the food comes and you eat because I'm lazy. you also started to watch a Disney movie.

Fundy and I were chilling on the couch, when I get a call. I pull out my phone and see that its Wilbur.

"Will! Hey, what's up?" I ask getting up.

I'll be right back. I mouth to fundy

He nods, and I walk into my room.

"Hey! I was just checking in to see how you were doing after this morning. I heard that things got rough," he replies.

"I'm doing good. Still a tiny bit shaken, but I'm doing good. I'm glad Bad is here. I don't know what I would have done without him. I also don't know what I would do without fundy either. He's the best boyfriend I could ask for."

"I hope so. If he breaks you, I swear to god-"

"Will! Its fine. He won't hurt me I swear. Chill a little bit! it'll be fine, I promise. Now Im gunna go finish watching Toy Story with Fundy," I inturupt, then hanging up on him.

I walk back out to the couch where Fundy was sitting, and I notice that he had paused the movie. I noticed in the time I had answered the call and came back, he had fallen asleep. I take a picture and send it to the group chat that Wilbur, Bad, Fundy and I were in. I got a responce from both Bad and Will, but not from Fundy, cuz he was obviously asleep.

I take slowly and carefully lay next to Fundy on the couch, trying not to wake him. I do so successfully, and he immediatly wraps his arms around my waist. i soon fall asleep.

you saved me. Fundy x reader (Reworking)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat