"Fine call me when you are free and I'm busy with my work. So don't disturb me" sid replied.

I called him immediately

"How can you ignore me sweetheart. Don't you know how much I love you". I said as soon as he picked the call by changing my voice a little to not get caught.

"Ohh darling I too miss you, how can I forget you. I'm just busy with work so I didn't get you" sid replied after a ten seconds with so sweet voice that ragged me

Immediately, I cut the call as I can't control my tears. He called me again but I didn't lift it.

Is he cheating on me, just a mere thought scared me alot that tears rolled down.

"What happen baby why you cut the call. It's being long we spent together" sid messaged me

Sid is calling me continuously, that irritate me now alot.

After composing myself, I lifted the call.

"I love you sweetheart" that's it I lost all my control and pressed my mouth with hand as he should not listen to my crying sound.

I didn't replied that the silence engulfed between us as we didn't talk anything for sometime. As I couldn't handle it, I cut the call and switched it off.

'It's all my fault, that thought to tease him' I cursed myself

'That's the reason you came to know about him clearly' my mind mocked at me

'Will you keep your mouth shut, he is not like that' I shouted

'Try to accept the fact, and don't forget that no one will stay with you' my mind said with smirk but I kept silent as what it said is true.

Life will not be the same as we dream because in every step, it through a challenge to overcome the insecurities, but alas in my life how hard I fight but end up in losing it.

Realising the fact that the insecurities had more strong than anything we feel.

It kills the joy in us..

It kills the trust in us..

Finally, it kills us..

Letting the tears rolled down remaining the shattered soul of love where we lived together in this one year which is going to complete soon.

Where he support me and stood beside me in every single step I took.

Where he guides me to reach the success which I dream off.

Now I'm scared to lose him, at the same time I'm not the one who snatch someone happiness and live in it.

I don't know anamika, what to do..

But something in me started to eat me that left me with bones leaving no flesh to mask it.

At the same time, I want to ask him but what if he say yes, Can I accept it..

Can I live myself where I dream of together.

Atleast can I stand on own..

But I can say, I love him alot with all my heart and soul till the end whether he is there with me or not.

Just like a imaginary world called dream as imaginary life.

Maya - an imaginary girl'

I closed the book of mine and wiped my tears with back of hands as I don't want to get caught by mom where everyone left to temple. As I don't have interest to go.

PRINCESS - in search of lovable life ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now